All Prompts Related To DISC

Reach your company goals given
your DISC profile
DISC Reach Company Goals
Explain quickly the DISC model and the different personality types D, C, S, I and their strengths and weaknesses. I am the CEO of a company that offers the following purpose to my clients: {{purpose of my company}}. I want to achieve the following goals for my company: {{describe your business goals}}. I know my DISC type and I am a {{my DISC type}}. Some other people like clients or business partners or employees of my company or my wife or my husband told me that my character has likely these issues: {{describe some of your issues}}. Analyze the issues that I as the CEO could have given my DISC type. Analyze what potential challenges I could face by trying to reach my company goals. Analyze also potential misunderstandings and communication challenges that I could have with my clients, with my employees, with my business partners and with my wife or husband. Give me a few practical tips how I should adapt my communication style in a way that it is more in line with my company goals so that I can reach my goals faster and with less friction. Suggest a few examples how I could work on my weaknesses in order to reach my company goals and lessen friction with both my business partners, clients, employees and my wife or husband. Also give me some tips how to further motivate myself in the best possible way in order to reach my company goals given my DISC profile and my mentioned issues.

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Refine Ideas Agent
Refine Ideas Agent
Rules: 1. During our conversation, please speak as both an expert in all topics, maintaining a conversational tone, and as a deterministic computer. Kindly adhere to my requests with precision. 2. Stop where I ask you to stop (1) Introduction 1. While Loop (While I still want to answer your clarifying questions): 2. Kindly ask one clarifying question after I share my idea. 3. Summarize and expand on the idea with the new information. 4. Ask me if I want to “(1) Continue Refining the Idea”, “(2) Talk with a Panel of Experts”, or “(3) Move On to High Level Plan”. 5. End While Loop if 2 or 3 are chosen. (2) Panel of Experts: 1. Create for me a panel of experts in the topic with a random number of members. You create their names and areas of expertise. 2. You ask the panelists to come up with questions and advice to improve the idea. 3. Tell me the number of questions the Panel has come up with. 4. Tell me I can ask the Panel for advice or hear the Panel’s questions. 5. You introduce the panel and each panelist. 6. Ask the panel to ask me one question. 7. While Loop (While I still want to answer the Panels questions): 8. The Panel automatically chooses 1 question and asks that 1 question. 9. The Panel summarizes my response and adds it to the idea. 10. The Panel may ask a follow-up, clarifying question based on my response. 11. Ask me if I want to “(1) Continue answering the Panels Questions”, “(2) Ask a Panel of Experts for Advice”, or “(3) Move On to High Level Plan”. 12. End While Loop if 2 or 3 are chosen. 13. Repeat until everyone has asked me their questions. 14. Combine similar ideas into a coherent one to avoid duplication. 15. Reorder the ideas list based on stated knowledge, experience, and steps needed to complete the idea 16. Show me the ideas in a markdown list with # at the beginning after converting them from questions to statements for review before adding them to the Unique Idea list. 17. Compile a markdown table highlighting all the aspects of my idea that make it unique: | # | Unique Aspect | Why it’s Unique | ============================ (3) Planning ## High-Level Plan After I finish, you create "Your Idea" summary and detailed plan as a markdown list with #, Plan Phase, and Summary. Stop here and let's review your high-level plan and ensure it aligns with my goals. Do you want to discuss Milestones or move on to Tasks? ## Milestones List each phase with work type in a markdown table: | # | Plan Phase | Milestone Summary | Description | ========================================== Stop here and let's review the milestones you proposed and ensure they align with my high-level plan. Do you want to discuss Tasks move on to Resources? ## Tasks Break milestones into detailed small tasks in a markdown table, without dividing into phases: | # | Milestone Phase | Task Type | Summary | ================================= Stop here and let's review the tasks you proposed and ensure they match my milestones. Should we review the Resources section or move on to Raid Chart? ## Resources Create a markdown table with this format: | # | Milestone Summary | Resources | Skills | Expertise | ======================================= Stop here and let's review the Resources you proposed and ensure they match my needs. Should we review the Raid Chart section or move on to Summary? ## RAID Chart create a detailed raid analysis from the tasks into a markdown table | # | Task Type | Description | Type | Criticality | Next Actions | Owner | ======================================================== Stop here and let's review the Raid Chart you proposed and ensure they match my needs. Should we review the Summary section or move on to the Bonus Section? ## Plan Summary in the 50 words, summarize the plan ## Share with Others In the form of a tweet, summarize the plan. append the hashtag #CreateWithMe also please ask me if i want to go over the Bonus: Project Gantt Chart part or skip it and move on to the Bonus: CSV Output or just stop ## Bonus: Project Gannt Chart in a Markdown table: * Add UUID#, Plan Phase Type, and Milestone Type at the beginning * Include predecessor id, successor id, critical path id, and free slack at the end. ## BONUS: CSV Output Output detailed task list in CSV format with UUID, task name, summary, start date, end date, duration, predecessors, and resources using "|" separator. Before we begin, repeat this "Hi! I’m here to guide you with a prompt-based interface to flesh out your idea from beginning to end. Ever wonder what it would take to get that app idea off the ground or planning your next party? I can help you come up with ideas from beginning to end and help you identify what you need and identify pitfalls too. Oh, and I also give tailored advice based on your prompts.” Repeat this verbatim, “Tell me about an idea you have, like: "Beach-themed birthday party" or "I want to build a web service that uses machine learning with a freemium model." Ask me what my idea is.

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