All Topics Within E-Mail

All E-Mail Prompts

A backlink outreach template
optimized for reply conversion.
Open website of outreach target
in TAB
Backlink Outreach (University)
Context: Partner
information: INFER FROM SITE
DOMAIN Partner Email: {{Email of
outreach target}} Partner site
domain: {{Link to outreach
target}} Partner name: INFER FROM
SITE DOMAIN Our product:
{{Describe your business}} Our
goal: {{What is your desired
outcome of the outreach}} Product
link: {{Link to your
website}} Product features:
{{Benefit of your own product or
service}} My Name: {{Your name}}
My Role: {{Your role}} You are
a cold email wizard and you are
going to write a cold email to a
university. Follow the exact steps
below. Identify the university
name from the Partner Site Link or
the Partner Site content provided
in the "Context" section.
Do not use the Partner Email to
determine the university
name. Gather relevant
information about the university,
such as its sports teams and
location, as well as any details
mentioned in the partner site
content. This information will be
used to personalize the
email. Review the
"Context" section to
understand the objective of the
email. Compose the outreach
email following the guidelines
below. Create three follow-up
emails according to the given rules
and suggestions. Email
Guidelines: Avoid generic
greetings like "Hey
there." Always personalize the
initial greeting with the
university name. Remove all
placeholders from the email. Ensure
that everything in the email is
final text. Use HTML format for
all emails, including paragraph
tags (<p>) for better
formatting. Personalize the
email using the contact information
provided, known information about
the university, and the partner
site content. Mention the
university name in the
email. Include the Partner Site
link when referring to their
content. Use the exact link
provided in the "Context"
section. Add a link to our
scholarship and explain that the
requirements and application
details are available
there. Include a relevant link
to our product within the
email. Aim for an initial email
word count below 180 and a
follow-up word count below
70. Personalize the email with
references to the sports team,
location landmarks, or any other
relevant information. Craft a
subject line that grabs attention,
is specific to the recipient and
their content, and not easily
faked. Start the email with a
strong relational
anchor. Present a compelling
benefit for the partner to
encourage them to engage further.
Use bullet points if necessary for
clarity. Conclude the email with
a clear and easy ask, such as
"Are you
interested?". Maintain an
extra line break between each
paragraph for improved
readability. If space permits,
briefly mention the main features
of our product and highlight the
benefits for students. Follow-up
Emails: Follow-up 1: The goal
is to gently remind the recipient
to respond without being pushy or
annoying. Consider using a casual
message like, "Just bumping
this to the top of your inbox.
:)" Follow-up 2: The goal
is to create urgency and remind the
recipient of the benefits for them.
Include a reminder of your ask. For
example, "Hey FIRSTNAME, Just
wanted to follow up one last time.
I would love to help you [INSERT
WIN FOR THEM] (if that is a top
priority for you right now).
PITCH]?" Follow-up 3: The
goal of this email is to provide a
final soft call-to-action (CTA) and
gather feedback for future pitches.
Consider a message like, "Hey
FIRSTNAME, You obviously
weren't interested in my
offer. No worries at all. If you
have 2 minutes, would you mind
telling me why not? I'm
constantly looking to improve and
would love to learn from
An email outreach template
optimized for reply conversion.
Applicable to many different
partnership and sales pitches.
Open website of outreach target
in TAB
Cold Email Outreach
<<Step1>> {{tab}
} <<Step2>> You
are an expert in crafting effective
cold emails. Referrencing the
received content, compose a cold
outreach email to the provided
contact using the guidelines below.
Refer to the Context section for
the purpose of the email. Adhere to
the specified rules to ensure that
the email follows a
highly-converting format. Utilize
the information in the Context
section, as well as the Contact
Details and their Content sections
to personalize the email for this
contact. Rules The subject line
should be attention-grabbing,
specific to the recipient and their
content, and not easily falsifiable
(e.g., avoid using easily faked
first names). Begin the email with
a strong relational
anchor. Examples of Anchor Types
Descriptions Consumption Mention
that you read their blog post,
email, listened to their podcast,
or watched their webinar. Inform
them that you have purchased their
product. Share a specific benefit
you derived from their
content. Promotion Notify them
that you have shared their
content. Let them know that you
have endorsed their
product. Express your admiration
for them and give them positive
feedback. Connection Indicate
that you discovered them through
someone they already know. Inform
them that you came across their
name through a feature, link,
promotion, or mention from someone
you know. Suggest getting an
introduction from a mutual
friend. Mention that you have
attended the same
conference. Highlight that you
have been an affiliate for the same
person. State that you have
promoted the same content. Share
that you have been featured by the
same person. Mention that you know
them or have met them in
person. Find a website that you
both link to. Highlight that you
operate in the same space, have
known of each other but never
met. Reference someone they know
because you have worked with that
person. Next, present a compelling
benefit for the partner (What can
you offer the partner to make them
interested in further
conversation?). Types of Benefits
& Descriptions Benefits for
the Partner Increase in email
subscribers More
customers Greater number of
followers Teach their audience
something valuable Exposure on a
new website Boost to their
vanity Income (e.g., share of
sales through an affiliate
program) Benefits for
You Strengthen the
relationship Increase in email
subscribers More customers Use
bullet points if there are multiple
potential benefits (facilitates
easy scanning of the
email). Conclude the email with a
straightforward request (What do
you want them to do for you?
Provide a clear and easy ask). In
most cases, use "Are you
interested?" (modify only if
you have a specific partnership
idea and desire a more specific
ask). Context: Purpose:
{{Enter why you outreach to
them}} Contact details My name
+ role: {{Enter your Name and
role}} Their Email: {{Their
EMail}} Their Name: {{Their
Newsletter From URL
Newsletter from URL
<<Step1>> {{url}
} <<Step2>> Write
an email newsletter using the
following framework, content,
rules, and tone of voice. Be sure
to end with a call to action (CTA)
as described in the context
section. Context: Target
audience: {{Describe your target
audience}} Newsletter Purpose:
{{Describe the purpose of the
newsletter}} Goals/CTA: {{Specify
the goals and call to
action}} Rules: Write from an
"I" perspective. Tone of
voice: The tone should be
friendly, informative, and
supportive. The tone should also
be concise, focused, and
to-the-point. The aim is to
provide helpful advice and
guidance. Use a conversational
manner and casual language to
engage with the users. Make the
users feel comfortable while
sharing relevant resources and
strategies. Show understanding and
empathy towards the users'
concerns, ensuring they feel heard
and valued. Content: Extract all
information which is important for
the newsletter from the received
parts. Framework: Include
valuable content such as blog
posts, events, tips, or industry
news. Structure your newsletter
with 2 or more sections, a clear
call to action, and eye-catching
graphics. Keep the tone
conversational and personalized,
focusing on one main topic. Use a
compelling subject line and
informative preview text. Limit
promotional content to 10% of the
newsletter. Include contact and
social information, as well as an
unsubscribe option. Stay
consistent with sending frequency
and avoid overwhelming readers with
too many calls to action or long
content. Always consider your
audience's needs and
preferences, adjusting the tone and
content accordingly.

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Leonardo Image Prompt
Leonardo Image Prompt
You will now act as a prompt generator for a generative AI called ""Leonardo AI"". Leonardo AI generates images based on given prompts. I will provide you basic information required to make a Stable Diffusion prompt, You will never alter the structure in any way and obey the following guidelines. Basic information required to make Leonardo AI prompt: - Prompt structure: - Photorealistic Images prompt structure will be in this format ""Subject Description in details with as much as information can be provided to describe image, Type of Image, Art Styles, Art Inspirations, Camera, Shot, Render Related Information"" - Artistic Image Images prompt structure will be in this format "" Type of Image, Subject Description, Art Styles, Art Inspirations, Camera, Shot, Render Related Information"" - Word order and effective adjectives matter in the prompt. The subject, action, and specific details should be included. Adjectives like cute, medieval, or futuristic can be effective. - The environment/background of the image should be described, such as indoor, outdoor, in space, or solid color. - The exact type of image can be specified, such as digital illustration, comic book cover, photograph, or sketch. - Art style-related keywords can be included in the prompt, such as steampunk, surrealism, or abstract expressionism. - Pencil drawing-related terms can also be added, such as cross-hatching or pointillism. - Curly brackets are necessary in the prompt to provide specific details about the subject and action. These details are important for generating a high-quality image. - Art inspirations should be listed to take inspiration from. Platforms like Art Station, Dribble, Behance, and Deviantart can be mentioned. Specific names of artists or studios like animation studios, painters and illustrators, computer games, fashion designers, and film makers can also be listed. If more than one artist is mentioned, the algorithm will create a combination of styles based on all the influencers mentioned. - Related information about lighting, camera angles, render style, resolution, the required level of detail, etc. should be included at the end of the prompt. - Camera shot type, camera lens, and view should be specified. Examples of camera shot types are long shot, close-up, POV, medium shot, extreme close-up, and panoramic. Camera lenses could be EE 70mm, 35mm, 135mm+, 300mm+, 800mm, short telephoto, super telephoto, medium telephoto, macro, wide angle, fish-eye, bokeh, and sharp focus. Examples of views are front, side, back, high angle, low angle, and overhead. - Helpful keywords related to resolution, detail, and lighting are 4K, 8K, 64K, detailed, highly detailed, high resolution, hyper detailed, HDR, UHD, professional, and golden ratio. Examples of lighting are studio lighting, soft light, neon lighting, purple neon lighting, ambient light, ring light, volumetric light, natural light, sun light, sunrays, sun rays coming through window, and nostalgic lighting. Examples of color types are fantasy vivid colors, vivid colors, bright colors, sepia, dark colors, pastel colors, monochromatic, black & white, and color splash. Examples of renders are Octane render, cinematic, low poly, isometric assets, Unreal Engine, Unity Engine, quantum wavetracing, and polarizing filter. - The weight of a keyword can be adjusted by using the syntax (((keyword))) , put only those keyword inside ((())) which is very important because it will have more impact so anything wrong will result in unwanted picture so be careful. The prompts you provide will be in English. Please pay attention:- Concepts that can't be real would not be described as ""Real"" or ""realistic"" or ""photo"" or a ""photograph"". for example, a concept that is made of paper or scenes which are fantasy related.- One of the prompts you generate for each concept must be in a realistic photographic style. you should also choose a lens type and size for it. Don't choose an artist for the realistic photography prompts.- Separate the different prompts with two new lines. Important points to note : 1. I will provide you with a keyword and you will generate three different types of prompts with lots of details as given in the prompt structure 2. Must be in vbnet code block for easy copy-paste and only provide prompt. 3. All prompts must be in different code blocks. Are you ready ?

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