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ChatGPT for SEO
ChatGPT version that is specifically tailored to SEO content creation.
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Google Scraper
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SEO Content
Create SEO content effortlessly by using prompt chains that scrape Google.
Auto Publish
Use our WP plugin to automatically publish content directly from ChatGPT into Wordpress.
Analyse Content
Use our SEO analysis prompts to analyse existing content in order to get optimization suggestions.
Repurpose Content
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Browser Agents
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Replace staff
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Embed Knowledge
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Scrape content from url
Example Prompt: <<Step1>> {{url:https://seotraffic.ai}} <<Step2>>Summarize the received parts.
Scrape content from tab
Example prompt: <<Step1>>{{tab:8}} <<Step2>>Summarize the received parts.
Scrape html from url
Example prompt: <<Step1>>{{h2}} from {{urlsource:https://cnn.com}}
Scrape html from tab
Example prompt: <<Step1>>{{title}} from {{tabsource:4}}
Scrape PAA from Google
Example prompt: <<Step1>> {{paa:keyword}} <<Step2>> Extract all questions from the received parts.
Scrape top1 for keyword
Example prompt: <<Step1>>{{google1:keyword}} <<Step2>> Summarize the received parts.
Extract within top1 html for keyword
Example prompt: <<Step1>> {{h2}} from {{googlesource1:keyword}} <<Step2>> Generate headlines similar to the received parts.
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All Prompts Related To Reviews
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All Prompts Related To Reviews
Generate authentic and
none-repetitive product reviews
Authentic Product Review
Write a believable, genuinely helpful, creative and authentic product review with a positive but not too salesy and sometimes hidden or even totally missing recommendation message for the product: "{{describe your product}}". Mention rarely and certainly not always that you tried out other products which are competing with this one and express your frustration and initial disappointment with the product that you have tried before, just to realize that it is not a good product so that you almost gave up finding a product that actually works. Pretend to write the review for the perspective of a user who actually used and thoroughly tested the product and make the review extremely realistic and super personal. Include rarely and certainly not always a small personal story or details from the life of the person who is writing the review. Don't include a title and don't use the word review or reviews. Your product review must stay under 50 words.
Writes a Product Comparison from
context of 2 URLs
Product Comparison 2 URLs
<<Step1>> FIRSTPRODUCT = {{Enter Product of 1st URL}} SECONDPRODUCT = {{Enter Product of 2nd URL}} <<Step2>> {{url}} <<Step3>> {{url}} <<Step4>> Compare the product FIRSTPRODUCT with the product SECONDPRODUCT given the information from the received parts and identify and evaluate the competitive advantages and disadvantages of the 2 products by comparing them with each other. Output format is markdown.
Writes a Customer Success Story
from context found at a TAB
Customer Success Story of TAB
<<Step1>> {{tab}} <<Step2>> Analyse the received parts and find out what product or service the context tries to sell. Then take this product or service and develop a credible customer success story. Describe the customer and his pain points and hardships from the "I" perspective and highlight how the use of the product or service has helped the client to overcome his or her hardships.
Write Product Review from TAB
Product Review TAB
Your goal is to write high-quality product reviews about the product {{Product name}} which is mentioned in {{tab}} To write high-quality product reviews, follow these best practices: Evaluate the product from a user's perspective. Demonstrate your expertise and knowledge about the reviewed products. Provide evidence such as visuals, audio, or links to support your expertise. Share quantitative measurements of the product's performance. Highlight what sets the product apart from its competitors. Discuss comparable products or suggest the best ones for specific uses. Describe the benefits and drawbacks based on original research. Explain the product's evolution and improvements from previous models. Identify key decision-making factors for the product's category and evaluate its performance in those areas. Discuss the design choices and their impact on users beyond the manufacturer's claims. Include links to helpful resources for readers. Provide multiple seller options for readers to choose from. When recommending a product, support your choice with first-hand evidence. Ensure your ranked lists have enough useful content. Disclose the use of affiliate links if applicable. Focus on quality, originality, and following these practices to provide valuable reviews for shoppers. Output format: Markdown
Sentiment Analysis TAB
Sentiment Analysis TAB
Extract all reviews or customer opinons about products or services from the following text. Then create a table in markdown format. Then extract the most frequently used positive sentiment based words and enter them into the first column of the table. Then extract the most frequently used negative sentiment based words and enter them into the second column of the table. Then draw a conclusion about what the overall sentiment is. Propose 10 concrete improvements for the mentioned product or service how it could be improved based on the negative reviews. Output format: markdown TEXT = {{tab}}
Review Analysis from TAB
Review Analysis from TAB
<<Step1>> {{tab}} <<Step2>> Find all reviews within the received parts and extract the most frequently used positive sentiment based words. Find all reviews within the received parts and extract the most frequently used negative sentiment based words. Find all reviews within the received parts and extract the most frequently used keywords and entities.
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Extract knowledge about 1 - 4
keywords based on the knowledge
of 3 TABs
Extract Info From 3 TABs
<<Step1>> {{tab}} <<Step2>> {{tab}} <<Step3>> {{tab}} <<Step4>> Given the following keywords: "{{Enter keyword or a group of a few keywords}}" Extract the parts from the received parts which are relevant to the keywords and summarise them in {{How many sentences do you need}} sentences.
Explains content found in a tab
in an easier way.
Tab Explainer
<<Step1>> {{tab}} <<Step2>> I want you to act as a simple explanation provider for difficult concepts. Use the received parts and respond with a clear and concise explanation of the context in layman's terms. Your response should not include technical language or complex terminology. Instead, focus on breaking down the concepts and ideas which the received parts include into easily understandable language.
10 NLP Answer Question pairs for
a given topic. Add tab content
for context.
In an NLP friendly way, write 10 FAQ question-answer pairs related to the following topic: "{{Topic}}". Always start the first sentence of each answer by turning the question into a statement. Context to answer the question: {{tab}}
Internal Linking Chart - Using
ChatGPT+ with Code Interpreter
(Upload internal links document)
Internal Linking Chart
Uploaded is an internal linking report that tracks the internal links across my website. Please do the following: 1. Analyze the different columns and understand their purpose. 2. Create a chart that shows additional internal linking opportunities 3. Using the link position column, create a relationship chart that shows where most of the internal links are coming from 4. Create a table that shows which destination links are getting the most and least internal links 5. Create a relationship chart that shows the relationship between anchor text and number of times it appears as anchor text for an internal link. Please only use this for link positions that equal Content. 6. Create a relationship chart that shows the relationship between anchor text and link position The output should be an HTML file that has all of this information with the ability to hover over the charts and see the tooltip information.
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