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ChatGPT for SEO
ChatGPT version that is specifically tailored to SEO content creation.
Prompt Chains
Run complex prompt chains in ChatGPT to get perfectly SEO optimized content.
Google Scraper
Scrape content, PAA or HTML like H2 or titles from Google into your prompts.
Prompt Library
Large prompt library that covers all kind of SEO use cases.
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Use Cases
SEO Content
Create SEO content effortlessly by using prompt chains that scrape Google.
Auto Publish
Use our WP plugin to automatically publish content directly from ChatGPT into Wordpress.
Analyse Content
Use our SEO analysis prompts to analyse existing content in order to get optimization suggestions.
Repurpose Content
Use our prompt chains to repurpose content, e.g. for social media posts.
Browser Agents
Use and refine prompt chains that can operate your browser and create agents that perform redundant tasks like link outreach.
Replace staff
Replace some of your staff members with ChatGPT or browser agents or make your staff much more efficient.
Embed Knowledge
Use our integrated vector database to embed unique company knowledge into prompt chains. Useful to create chatbots.
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Scrape content from url
Example Prompt: <<Step1>> {{url:https://seotraffic.ai}} <<Step2>>Summarize the received parts.
Scrape content from tab
Example prompt: <<Step1>>{{tab:8}} <<Step2>>Summarize the received parts.
Scrape html from url
Example prompt: <<Step1>>{{h2}} from {{urlsource:https://cnn.com}}
Scrape html from tab
Example prompt: <<Step1>>{{title}} from {{tabsource:4}}
Scrape PAA from Google
Example prompt: <<Step1>> {{paa:keyword}} <<Step2>> Extract all questions from the received parts.
Scrape top1 for keyword
Example prompt: <<Step1>>{{google1:keyword}} <<Step2>> Summarize the received parts.
Extract within top1 html for keyword
Example prompt: <<Step1>> {{h2}} from {{googlesource1:keyword}} <<Step2>> Generate headlines similar to the received parts.
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H1 Headline
All Prompts Related To H1 Headline
Headline Brainstormer
Headline Brainstormer
Write 5 persuasive and SEO optimized headlines for the page: "{{url:Enter your URL here}}" Act as a senior copywriter. You are an expert in conversion copywriting. Each headline should be up to 15 words and clearly convey the main benefit of the content of the page.
Brainstorm 10 attention-grabbing
H1 headlines for a keyword by
modelling your competition
H1 Headlines From Competitors
<<Step1>> MYKEYWORD = {{keyword}} Answer with MYKEYWORD <<Step2>> H11 = Extract the content between <h1> and </h1> from {{googlehtml1:keyword}} <<Step3>> H12 = Extract the content between <h1> and </h1> from {{googlehtml2:keyword}} <<Step4>> H13 = Extract the content between <h1> and </h1> from {{googlehtml3:keyword}} <<Step5>> Generate 10 attention-grabbing H1 headlines for an article about MYKEYWORD. Make the H1 similar to the headlines H11 and H12 and H13.
Brainstorm 5 attention-grabbing
H1 headlines for a keyword by
modelling your competition
H1 Headlines From Competitors [2nd try]
<<Step1>> Headline1 = Extract the content between {{h1}} from {{googlehtml1:keyword}} <<Step2>> Headline2 = Extract the content between {{h1}} from {{googlehtml2:keyword}} <<Step3>> Headline3 = Extract the content between {{h1}} from {{googlehtml3:keyword}} <<Step4>> Write what the original Headline1 and Headline2 and Headline3 had been. Then use Headline1 and Headline2 and Headline3 to generate 5 very similar and attention-grabbing headlines.
Explore Random Prompts
Extract parts of the HTML
sourcecode of 2 opened TABs.
Try: title, meta, h1, h2, h3,
h4, h5, h6, p, div, span, a href,
img, ul, ol, table Pro tip:
Look at the sourcecode of the
page which you need to analyse
and use any of the tags that this
page uses
Extract HTML Tags From 2 TABs
<<Step1>> {{tag name}} from {{html}} <<Step2>> {{tag name}} from {{html}}
Factual product description for
product found on Google Top1.
Make sure that the product can be
found for your keyword, e.g.
adding "amazon" as part of the
Product Description From Top1
<<Step1>> {{google1}} <<Step2>> Use the received parts and write a product description in {{how many words}} words about the product "{{Name of product}}". Include relevant statistics and relevant facts about the product from the context. Do not repeat sentences which are part of the context. Only use facts from the context. Do not add your own facts. Do not invent features and only mention features which can be found in the context.
Myth-Busting FW
Myth-Busting FW
Using the 'Myth-Busting' framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that identifies and debunks common misconceptions or myths about our {{product/service}}. Provide {{facts}} and {{evidence}} to support your claims.
Scannable Content FW
Scannable Content FW
Write a marketing campaign outline about {{topic}} using the 'Scannable Content' framework to create content that is easy to scan and read quickly for {{ideal customer persona}}. Include clear headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make the content more accessible and effective.
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