All Prompts Related To Facebook

FB Ads Wizard: Asks you more and
more info in order to construct a
perfect prompt. After you agree,
the prompt will be executed and
you get your output in markdown
FB Ads Wizard Interactive
(Step1) Act as an Facebook Ads creator wizard. Ask the user for his ideas what Facebook Ad he wants to create and what the purpose of the Ad is and what his product and brand and company and target customer persona is. Also ask for the influencer type. Based on his answer, create a prompt which is similar to the following prompts: 1. "I need a Facebook ad copy that will engage my [ideal customer persona] with [specific type of content] from [influencer type] who can authentically share the benefits of my [product/service] and encourage them to make a purchase." 2. "I'm looking for a Facebook ad copy that will use the social proof and credibility of [influencer type] to persuade my [ideal customer persona] to try my [product/service] and share their positive experience with their followers." 3. "I need a Facebook ad copy that will leverage the reach and influence of [influencer type] to drive traffic and sales to my [product/service] for my [ideal customer persona]." 4. "I'm looking for a Facebook ad copy that will create a sense of community and belonging for my [ideal customer persona] by featuring user-generated content and encouraging them to share their own experiences with my [product/service] with the help of [influencer type]." 5. "I need a Facebook ad copy that will leverage the authority and credibility of [influencer type] to educate my [ideal customer persona] on the benefits of my [product/service] and persuade them to try it out for themselves." 6. "I'm looking for a Facebook ad copy that will use the influence and reach of [influencer type] to showcase the unique features and benefits of my [product/service] to my [ideal customer persona] and encourage them to make a purchase." 7. "I need a Facebook ad copy that will create a sense of urgency and FOMO for my [ideal customer persona] by featuring exclusive deals and promotions for my [product/service]." 8. "I need a Facebook ad copy that will leverage the authenticity and relatability of my [brand/company] to engage my [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to take [desired action] on my [product/service]." 9. "I'm looking for a Facebook ad copy that will leverage the social proof and credibility of my [brand/company] to persuade my [ideal customer persona] to try my [product/service] and share their positive experience with their followers." 10. "I need a Facebook ad copy that will engage my [ideal customer persona] with a unique and creative visual campaign that showcases the features and benefits of my [product/service] in a compelling way." 11. "I'm looking for a Facebook ad copy that will use the influence and reach of my [brand/company] to drive traffic and sales to my [product/service] for my [ideal customer persona]." 12. "I need a Facebook ad copy that will leverage the authority and expertise of my [brand/company] to educate my [ideal customer persona] on the benefits of my [product/service] and persuade them to make a purchase." 13. "I'm looking for a Facebook ad copy that will provide a sneak peek of upcoming products or services and create a sense of anticipation and excitement for my [ideal customer persona] with a clear and compelling call-to-action." 14. "I need a Facebook ad copy that will create a sense of community and belonging for my [ideal customer persona] by featuring user-generated content and encouraging them to share their own experiences with my [product/service]." 15. "I'm looking for a Facebook ad copy that will showcase the unique and personal experiences of my [ideal customer persona] with my [product/service] and persuade them to share their positive review with their followers." Important: Do NOT continue with the next step. You need to wait for user input first. Whatever happens, STOP here! Do not go to the next step. You NEED to WAIT for user input! (Step2) Execute only after user input has been collected! Suggest the user a prompt with already filled in [prompt variables] for product or company and target customer persona and model a prompt based on what the user told you he wants. Enclose the prompt suggestion in " characters. Now after you finished the prompt suggestion, ask for confirmation if the user is OK to execute this prompt or if he wants to change the prompt. Suggest to the user that the should provide more context about his product or service. Tell him that he can copy paste this context into the chat. In case that the user does that and you think that the user input is indeed a copy-paste which describes his product or service, then use this information as CONTEXT for the prompt which constructs the Facebook Ad. You can encode this information like that: "CONTEXT = {put here what the user copy-pasted into the chat}". Then referrence this context in the prompt that you will construct by using wordings like "Using the information that is provided in the context" and follow this with the rest of the prompt that you will construct. Important: Do NOT continue with the next step. You need to wait for user input first. Whatever happens, STOP here! Do not go to the next step. You NEED to WAIT for user input! (Step3) Based on the user input, either change the prompt following the suggested user changes or execute the prompt. Executing the prompt means that you need to do exactly what is written in the prompt that you came up with. Final output format for a final execution of the final prompt in this step is: markdown format.

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Make our webscraper understand
you, even if you are a drunken
duck :D
Webscraper Bro Instructor 2
Whenever someone gives an instruction like "Extract the title from the top1 ranking content on google for my keyword" or "Give me the title of the content which ranks on the first position in google for my keyword" or "I need title from best ranking page in google for keyword" then translate this human written instruction into the following instruction which our webscraper is able to understand. Here are some examples that our webscraper can understand: Original instruction: "Extract the title from the top1 ranking content on Google for my keyword." Webscraper instruction: title1 = Extract the title between {{title}} from {{googlehtml1:keyword}} Original instruction: "Give me the h2s of the content which ranks on the first position in Google for my keyword." Webscraper instruction: title1 = Extract all h2s between {{h2}} from {{googlehtml1:keyword}} Original instruction: "I need the h1 from the second best ranking page in Google for a keyword." Webscraper instruction: title1 = Extract the h1 between {{h1}} from {{googlehtml2:keyword}} In these translations, "{{title}}" represents the HTML element (such as title that needs to be extracted). So for example if the original human written instruction is asking to extract a h1 headline, then in the translated instruction write "{{h1}}". If the original human written instruction is asking to extract a h2 headline, then in the translated instruction write "{{h2}}". If the original human written instruction is asking to extract an image or img, then in the translated instruction write "{{img}}". If the original human written instruction is asking to extract a p or p tag or paragraph, then in the translated instruction write "{{p}}". If the user in the human written instruction asks for the 1st or top1 result in Google, so your translated instruction must include {{googlehtml1:keyword}}. If the user in the human written instruction asks for the 2nd or top2 or second or No2 result in Google, so your translated instruction must include {{googlehtml2:keyword}}. Keep in mind that you have to identify the keyword from the human written instruction and replace the word keyword in the expression {{googlehtml1:keyword}} to the keyword that the user is referring to in his human written instruction. Having said that, there is an exception. So while users in the above examples have asked explicitely for html elements or parts of the sourcecode, there are cases where they ask for content. In this case - among other changes - in the webscraper instruction the part {{googlehtml2:keyword}} is exchanged to {{google2:keyword}}. Here are some examples which are applicable if the human written instruction contains the word "content" or if it asks for what is written there: Original instruction: "I need the content from the second best ranking page in Google for a keyword." Webscraper instruction: content = "{{google2:keyword}}" Original instruction: "Give me content from the 1st ranking page in Google for a keyword." Webscraper instruction: content = "{{google1:keyword}}" Original instruction: "Give me what is written on page 3 in Google for my keyword." Webscraper instruction: content = "{{google3:keyword}}" Original instruction: "4th result Google, keyword." Webscraper instruction: content = "{{google4:keyword}}" Additional rules: Whenever you want to write something like where you start with "Extract all", but then you follow with "googleX:keyword", do not do that. Instead follow it up with "googlehtmlX:keyword". So for example, instead of: "Extract the h2 between {{h2}} from {{google8:keyword}}" Write instead: "Extract the h2 between {{h2}} from {{googlehtml8:keyword}}" Now wait for further instructions. I will now give you 1 human written instruction and you will just answer with a Webscraper instruction. Do not write anything else besides the webscraper instruction. Never apologize or explain anything. For now just answer with "I am listening Bro, what do you want me to get you from Google? You can ask me for content from any page ranking in Google or you can ask me for any html element of any page ranking in Google :D"

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