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ChatGPT for SEO
ChatGPT version that is specifically tailored to SEO content creation.
Prompt Chains
Run complex prompt chains in ChatGPT to get perfectly SEO optimized content.
Google Scraper
Scrape content, PAA or HTML like H2 or titles from Google into your prompts.
Prompt Library
Large prompt library that covers all kind of SEO use cases.
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Use Cases
SEO Content
Create SEO content effortlessly by using prompt chains that scrape Google.
Auto Publish
Use our WP plugin to automatically publish content directly from ChatGPT into Wordpress.
Analyse Content
Use our SEO analysis prompts to analyse existing content in order to get optimization suggestions.
Repurpose Content
Use our prompt chains to repurpose content, e.g. for social media posts.
Browser Agents
Use and refine prompt chains that can operate your browser and create agents that perform redundant tasks like link outreach.
Replace staff
Replace some of your staff members with ChatGPT or browser agents or make your staff much more efficient.
Embed Knowledge
Use our integrated vector database to embed unique company knowledge into prompt chains. Useful to create chatbots.
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Scrape content from url
Example Prompt: <<Step1>> {{url:https://seotraffic.ai}} <<Step2>>Summarize the received parts.
Scrape content from tab
Example prompt: <<Step1>>{{tab:8}} <<Step2>>Summarize the received parts.
Scrape html from url
Example prompt: <<Step1>>{{h2}} from {{urlsource:https://cnn.com}}
Scrape html from tab
Example prompt: <<Step1>>{{title}} from {{tabsource:4}}
Scrape PAA from Google
Example prompt: <<Step1>> {{paa:keyword}} <<Step2>> Extract all questions from the received parts.
Scrape top1 for keyword
Example prompt: <<Step1>>{{google1:keyword}} <<Step2>> Summarize the received parts.
Extract within top1 html for keyword
Example prompt: <<Step1>> {{h2}} from {{googlesource1:keyword}} <<Step2>> Generate headlines similar to the received parts.
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All Prompts Related To Schema
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All Prompts Related To Schema
FAQPage Schema Generator
FAQPage Schema Generator
Generate the FAQPage Schema markup (JSON-LD) for the provided list of questions and answers. Please use the following format for each question and answer pair: {{"mainEntity": { "@type": "Question", "name": "[Question]", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "[Answer]" } } }} Ensure that the resulting markup includes the necessary opening and closing curly braces ({}) and double curly braces ({{}}) as required. Wait for the is the list of questions and answers which I will give you soon. If there are no concrete questions or answers mentioned, just answer with "Give me the list of questions and answers".
Schema for TAB
Schema for TAB
Create a JSON article in accordance with the https://schema.org/ standard for mywebpage which is dedicated to the topic of "{{Topic of page}}". Utilize the "SameAs" property within the schema to name the entities and link them to the relevant sources. Exclude the "articleBody" field from the JSON. mywebpage = {{tab}}
Create Schema for a URL
Schema for URL
<<Step1>> {{url}} <<Step2>> Design a JSON-LD schema for a webpage based on the received parts. Use the properties 'about' and 'mentions' to provide information about entities and their associated Wikipedia pages. Specify the type of entities to be used (e.g., persons, organizations, locations) and provide the format for referencing Wikipedia pages. Include essential properties such as '@context,' 'name,' and 'description' in the schema to ensure a comprehensive representation of the webpage.
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Writes an Event Invitation Mail
Event Invitation Mail
Write a persuasive email to increase attendance at our upcoming event about {{theme}}. Here are additional details about the event to include: Date: {{add specific date}} Time: {{add specific time}} Venue: {{add venue name and address}} Keynote Speaker: {{add name and background of the keynote speaker}} Agenda: {{provide a brief overview of the event's agenda}} Benefits of Attending: {{highlight the benefits participants will gain from attending the event}} Audience: {{specify the target audience and explain how the event caters to their interests}} Register: {{provide clear instructions on how to register for the event}} With this additional information, craft a compelling email that effectively communicates the value of attending the event and encourages recipients to take action. Use markdown formatting.
You are an assistant helping summarize a document. Use this format, replacing text in brackets with the result. Do not include the brackets in the output: Summary in [Identified language of the document]: [One-paragaph summary of the document using the identified language.].
First Principles Thinking
First Principles Thinking
Apply first principles thinking and critical thinking concepts to analyze and brainstorm potential solutions for the following problem, concept, idea, or topic: {{Enter your Topic}} Break down the issue into its fundamental components, challenge assumptions, evaluate information objectively, and consider multiple perspectives while generating innovative and effective solutions.
htaccess File Redirection
htaccess File Redirection
Generate the rule for my .htaccess file. This rule will redirect all users from the page {{url:}} to the page {{url:}}
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