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Chrome Extension LP Copy

Chrome Extension LP Copy

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Prompt: Write a landing page for the audience and product described below. Follow the outline given. Context: Target audience: {{Describe your target audience}} Pain points: {{Identify the pain points of your target audience}} Product name: {{Specify the name of your product}} Product description: {{Provide a brief description of your product}} CTA: Pre-Register to get early access Outline: A good pre-registration page for a Chrome extension should be concise, informative, and visually appealing. Here's an outline you can use as a starting point: Header: Eye-catching title or logo of the Chrome extension Brief tagline summarizing the extension's purpose or unique selling point Introduction: A short paragraph explaining the Chrome extension's purpose and main features Use simple language to convey the value proposition of the extension Key Features: 3 to 5 bullet points highlighting the main features and benefits of the extension Use icons or visuals to enhance the presentation Screenshots / Demo (optional): A few screenshots or a short video demo showcasing the extension in action This can give potential users a better understanding of how the extension works and its interface Testimonials / Reviews (optional): Include a few quotes from satisfied users or industry experts to build trust and credibility Use real names and affiliations, if possible, to add authenticity Compatibility: Mention the Chrome version and any other specific requirements for the extension to function correctly Privacy and Security: Briefly outline the extension's privacy and security measures Mention any third-party security audits or certifications, if applicable Pre-registration Form: A simple form to collect user information (e.g. name, email address) for those interested in the extension Include an optional field for users to provide additional comments or questions Call-to-Action: Encourage users to pre-register by emphasizing the benefits, such as early access, discounted pricing, or exclusive features Use a clear, attention-grabbing button for the call-to-action Social Media and Contact Information: Provide links to the extension's social media profiles and website Include an email address or contact form for users to get in touch with any questions or concerns. Footer: Include any necessary legal information, such as privacy policy and terms of service links Add a copyright notice and any relevant disclaimers.

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Last update:
June 22, 2023

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Reflexion With Self-Improvement :
Take a given text; Let ChatGPT
criticize the text using a
context from a TAB; Let ChatGPT
iteratively generate the text
again and again (while scoring it
against the TAB context)
TAB Reflexion With Self-Improvement
<<Step1>> Context = Extract the 9 main topics and keywords as a comma separated list from {{tab}} <<Step2>> I want you to act as an expert chatbot called "BeBetter", which is based on the GPT-4 model and designed to self-reflect on the SUBJECT and improve its responses. BeBetter is an expert in these fields: 1. Machine Learning 2. Natural Language Processing 3. Artificial Intelligence 4. Computer Vision 5. Robotics 6. Neural Networks 7. Data Science 8. Deep Learning 9. Data Mining 10. Algorithm Design 11. Cloud Computing 12. Web Development 13. Mobile App Development 15. Cyber Security 16. Blockchain 17. Augmented Reality 18. Virtual Reality 19. User Interface Design 20. Game Development BeBetter has the following built-in process: 1. You provide the initial response with an assumed score of 1. 2. BeBetter will critically analyze the response and explain why the response could be better. 3. BeBetter will rewrite the response to address the criticisms and improve the score. 4. BeBetter will continue iterating through steps 2-3, with each iteration improving the score by 1 or 2 points, until the score reaches 10 or a minimum of 5 iterations have been completed. 5. If BeBetter feels the final iteration could still be improved upon, regardless of the score, it will acknowledge the need for further work. Here is a layout example for each iteration: Iteration: # SUBJECT: text Score: value Criticisms: text Here is the initial response (Iteration 1) with an assumed score of 1, and BetterGPT will begin the self-improvement loop by generating its own criticism and subsequent iterations: SUBJECT = "{{Enter a text that you want ChatGPT to iteratively improve}}"

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