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Generate Subtopics

Generate Subtopics

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Prompt: Give me 20 semantically relevant, but unique topics under the main category of {{Main topic}}

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Last update:
June 22, 2023

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Small keyword cluster in a table
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I want you to act as a market research expert that speaks and writes fluently. Pretend that you have the most accurate and most detailed information about keywords available. Pretend that you are able to develop a full SEO content plan. I will give you the target keyword From this keyword create a markdown table with a keyword list for an SEO content strategy plan on the topic keyword. Cluster the keywords according to the top 25 super categories and name the super category in the first column called keyword cluster. Add another column with 10 subcategories for each keyword cluster or specific long-tail keywords for each of the clusters. List in another column the human searcher intent for the keyword. Cluster the topic in one of three search intent groups based on their search intent, whether commercial, transactional, or informational. Then in another column, write a simple but very click-enticing title to use for a post about that keyword. Then in another column write an attractive meta description that has the chance for a high click-thru rate for the topic with 120 to a maximum of 155 words. The meta description shall be value-based, so mention the value of the article and have a simple call to action to cause the searcher to click. Do NOT under any circumstance use a too generic keyword like `introduction` or `conclusion` or `tl:dr`. Focus on the most specific keywords only. Do not use single quotes, double quotes, or any other enclosing characters in any of the columns you fill in. Do not explain why and what you are doing, just return your suggestions in the table. The markdown table shall have the following columns: keyword cluster, keyword, search intent, title, meta description. Here is the keyword to start again: "{{Enter your keyword}}
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As an expert in taxonomy creation, we need your assistance in developing a clear, high-level website taxonomy based on a provided list of topics. These topics represent diverse categories that need to be neatly organized in a hierarchical manner. Subject of website: {{subject}} Important Topics: {{GSC query data}} The topics are a list of topic ngrams and their scores. The scores are based on the number of times the query appears in the dataset and the overall user interest in the topic. Generally, higher scoring queries are more important to include as top-level categories. Please adhere to the following dash-prefix format for your output. The taxonomy should be structured, as an example, as follows: - Category - Subcategory - Sub-subcategory - Subcategory - Category - Subcategory - Sub-subcategory - Sub-sub-subcategory - Sub-subcategory In order to effectively accomplish this task, you MUST follow the following guidelines: Brands: The Important Topics may mention these specific brands '{{brands}}'. When creating your taxonomy, please omit these brand terms. For example, if a topic is 'adidas shoes' and 'adidas' is in the specified brands, the taxonomy should include 'shoes' but not 'adidas'. No Guessing: AVOID inventing or speculating any subcategory subjects that are not directly reflected in the provided Important Topics. Miscellaneous: Some Important Topics are outliers, are too vague, or are not relevant to the products and services offered by the company. Assign these topics to a top-level category called 'Miscellaneous' e.g. Miscellaneous > Dogs (where all topics are related to shoes). Depth of Taxonomy: The taxonomy should be no more than four levels deep (i.e., Category > Subcategory > Sub-subcategory > Sub-sub-subcategory). Accuracy: Consider carefully the top-level categories to ensure that they are broad enough to effectively hold key sub-category subjects. Readability: Ensure that category names are concise yet descriptive. Duplication: Try not to assign a subject to multiple categories unless the provided Important Topics indicate it belongs in both. Output: Only output the taxonomy. DO NOT include commentary. Please read the guidelines and examples closely prior to beginning and double-check your work before submitting. Start!

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Copywriting Frameworks Wizard:
Asks you more and more info in
order to construct a perfect
prompt. After you agree, the
prompt will be executed and you
get your output in markdown
format. Constructs Framework
based outline and then the final
Copywriting Frameworks Wizard
<<Step1>> Act as an Copywriting Frameworks prompt creator wizard. Ask the user for his ideas what Copywriting Frameworks prompt he wants to create and what his product and brand and company and target customer persona and desired action or goals for the customer persona is. Also ask for the main product or service features and the main benefits of using the product or service. Based on his answer, create a prompt which is similar to the following prompts: 1. "Using the 'Emotional Appeal' framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that uses [emotional appeal] to persuade [ideal customer persona] to take action and purchase our [product/service]. Choose an emotion such as [fear], [happiness], or [guilt]." 2. "Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'Social Proof' framework to demonstrate the value and effectiveness of our [product/service] to [ideal customer persona]. Include [testimonials], [case studies], and [industry experts] as social proof." 3. "Using the 'Empathy' framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that identifies the [needs] and [pain points] of [ideal customer persona] and crafts copy that demonstrates understanding and empathy for their situation. Present our [product/service] as a solution to their problems." 4. "Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'Future Pacing' framework to help [ideal customer persona] visualize a future where they have achieved their [goals] with the help of our [product/service]. Describe the [benefits] they will receive as a result." 5. "Using the 'Benefits-Features-Proof' framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that outlines the [benefits] our [product/service] provides to [ideal customer persona]. Explain the [features] that make these benefits possible and provide [proof] to back up our claims about the product." 6. "Using the 'Unique Value Proposition' framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that identifies the unique value our [product/service] provides to [ideal customer persona] and crafts copy that clearly communicates that value." 7. "Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'Attention-Interest-Desire-Action' framework to grab the attention of [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to take action. Start with a bold statement to get their attention, present information that piques their [interest], state the benefits of our [product/service] to create [desire], and ask for a sign-up or purchase." 8. "Using the 'PASTOR' framework, write a marketing campaign outline that addresses the pain points of [ideal customer persona] and presents our [product/service] as the solution. Identify the [problem] they are facing, amplify the consequences of not solving it, tell a [story] related to the problem, include [testimonials] from happy customers, present our [offer], and request a response." 9. "Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'Features-Advantages-Benefits' framework that highlights the [features] of our [product/service] and explains how these [advantages] can be helpful to [ideal customer persona]. Outline the [benefits] of our product and how it can positively impact the reader." 10. "Using the 'Awareness-Comprehension-Conviction-Action' framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that presents [ideal customer persona] with a [situation or problem] and helps them understand it. Create the desired conviction in the reader to use our [product/service] as the solution and prompt the reader to take action." 11. "Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'Star-Story-Solution' framework to introduce the main character of a [story] related to our [product/service] and keep the reader hooked. End the story with an explanation of how the star wins in the end with the help of our product." 12. "Using the 'Picture-Promise-Prove-Push' framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that paints a picture that gets the attention and creates desire for our [product/service] in [ideal customer persona]. Describe how our product will deliver on its promises, provide testimonials to back up those promises, and give a little push to encourage the reader to take action." 13. "Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'Problem-Agitate-Solve' framework to identify the most painful [problem] faced by [ideal customer persona] and agitate the issue to show why it is a bad situation. Present our [product/service] as the logical solution to the problem." 14. "Using the 'Before-After-Bridge' framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that presents the current situation with a [problem] faced by [ideal customer persona]. Show them the world after using our [product/service] and how it has improved their situation. Then, provide a [bridge] to show them how they can get to that improved state by using our product." 15. "Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'Unique Selling Proposition' framework to highlight the [unique selling points] of our [product/service] to [ideal customer persona]. Craft copy that clearly communicates these points and persuades the reader to take action." 16. "Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'Headline' framework to identify the main benefit or value proposition of our [product/service] and craft a headline that clearly communicates that benefit to [ideal customer persona]." 17. "Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'Hook-Story-Offer' framework to use a hook or attention-grabber to engage [ideal customer persona], tell a story to create an emotional connection, and then present an offer or call to action." 18. "Using the 'CAB' formula, write a marketing campaign outline that highlights the features of our [product/service], explains the advantages of those features, and then outlines the benefits that [ideal customer persona] will receive as a result." 19. "Write a marketing campaign outline using the 'PAS' formula to identify the problem faced by [ideal customer persona], agitate that problem to make it more pressing, and then present our [product/service] as the solution." 20. "Using the 'AIDA' formula, write a marketing campaign outline to capture the attention of [ideal customer persona], create interest in our [product/service], generate desire for it, and ultimately prompt them to take action." Important: You must ask the user which of all these 20 copywriting frameworks he prefers. You must list all 20 copywriting frameworks so that the user knows which frameworks exist and can pick one of them. Important: Do NOT continue with the next step. You need to wait for user input first. Whatever happens, STOP here! Do not go to the next step. You NEED to WAIT for user input! <<Step2>> Execute only after user input has been collected! Suggest the user a prompt with already filled in [prompt variables] for product or company and target customer persona and all the other information that has been collected from the user and model a prompt based on what the user told you he wants. Enclose the prompt suggestion in " characters. Now after you finished the prompt suggestion and you made sure that you wrote a " character to highlight the end of the suggested prompt, ask for confirmation if the user is OK to execute this prompt or if he wants to change the prompt. Suggest to the user that the should provide more context about his product or service. Tell him that he can copy paste this context into the chat. In case that the user does that and you think that the user input is indeed a copy-paste which describes his product or service, then use this information as CONTEXT for the prompt which constructs the Copywriting Frameworks prompt. You can encode this information like that: "CONTEXT = {put here what the user copy-pasted into the chat}". Then referrence this context in the prompt that you will construct by using wordings like "Using the information that is provided in the context" and follow this with the rest of the prompt that you will construct. Important: Do NOT continue with the next step. You need to wait for user input first. Whatever happens, STOP here! Do not go to the next step. You NEED to WAIT for user input! <<Step3>> Based on the user input, either change the prompt following the suggested user changes or execute the prompt. Executing the prompt means that you need to do exactly what is written in the prompt that you came up with. Final output format for a final execution of the final prompt in this step is: markdown format. <<Step4>> Ask the user if he is ok with the suggested outline. Offer to either change some parts of the outline or change the used copywriting framework. If the user is OK, just write the article from the outline. Output format: Markdown, bold important keywords.

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