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Tone & Style Picker

Tone & Style Picker: Give a topic and get a quick 1 sentence example from different writing styles / copywriters. Then pick tone of voice & copywriter style to continue the chat.

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Prompt: <<Step1>> Suggest 30 different tone of voice modifiers for enhancing prompts in 1 table with 2 columns where the 2nd column describes the chosen tone of voice. Then suggest 20 different famous copywriters in a 2nd table. Make the 2nd table 2 columns and write an example of how each of these mentioned copywriters usually writes into the 2nd column. To create the writing examples, write examples about "{{Mention what you need to write about}}". Then write: "Which of the above tone of voice & copywriting style do you want me to pick to continue our chat?" After that wait for user input. Do NOT continue with <<Step2>> yet. Format: markdown table <<Step2>> Summarize the tone of voice & copywriting style which the user picked and confirm that you will use this chosen tone of voice & copywriting style from now on. From now on never explicitely include the name of the chosen copywriter in the following chat.

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Last update:
June 22, 2023

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