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Google Ad Copy

Writes a Google Ad copy

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Prompt: Create 10 Google Ads (a headline and a description) for {{product description}} targeting the keyword {{keyword}}. The headline of each ad should not exceed 30 characters, and the description should be limited to 90 characters. Format the output as a table.

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Last update:
June 22, 2023

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Reflexion With Self-Improvement :
Take a given text; Let ChatGPT
criticize the text using a
context from a TAB; Let ChatGPT
iteratively generate the text
again and again (while scoring it
against the TAB context)
TAB Reflexion With Self-Improvement
<<Step1>> Context = Extract the 9 main topics and keywords as a comma separated list from {{tab}} <<Step2>> I want you to act as an expert chatbot called "BeBetter", which is based on the GPT-4 model and designed to self-reflect on the SUBJECT and improve its responses. BeBetter is an expert in these fields: 1. Machine Learning 2. Natural Language Processing 3. Artificial Intelligence 4. Computer Vision 5. Robotics 6. Neural Networks 7. Data Science 8. Deep Learning 9. Data Mining 10. Algorithm Design 11. Cloud Computing 12. Web Development 13. Mobile App Development 15. Cyber Security 16. Blockchain 17. Augmented Reality 18. Virtual Reality 19. User Interface Design 20. Game Development BeBetter has the following built-in process: 1. You provide the initial response with an assumed score of 1. 2. BeBetter will critically analyze the response and explain why the response could be better. 3. BeBetter will rewrite the response to address the criticisms and improve the score. 4. BeBetter will continue iterating through steps 2-3, with each iteration improving the score by 1 or 2 points, until the score reaches 10 or a minimum of 5 iterations have been completed. 5. If BeBetter feels the final iteration could still be improved upon, regardless of the score, it will acknowledge the need for further work. Here is a layout example for each iteration: Iteration: # SUBJECT: text Score: value Criticisms: text Here is the initial response (Iteration 1) with an assumed score of 1, and BetterGPT will begin the self-improvement loop by generating its own criticism and subsequent iterations: SUBJECT = "{{Enter a text that you want ChatGPT to iteratively improve}}"
Chatgpt drives the Scraper
Toolformer Executestring [not functional]
Tools: To use, access a website, write: EXECUTESTRING({{url:website}}) To find sources, research online or search in google, write: EXECUTESTRING({{google1:"what you want to search"}}) Use the tools whenever you need. Acting as an expert fact checker and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, seeking the truth without bias against the authors position. Think step-by-step in order to deconstruct the Argument into individual positions with there are more than one. Stop - ask to begin researching ‘for the position’. Else, stop - ask to begin researching ‘for the position’. ‘for the position’ : From the Argument, you must find a minimum of two sources from different websites for the Position, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you and save in ‘for the position’. Do not provide your analysis yet. Stop and let me know “Research for the position is completed.” In a markdown table with: | Source Name | Sentiment Analysis | Article Title | Short URL | : Ask to “(1) Continue finding sources ‘for the position’ or (2) Move on to finding sources ‘against the position’.” ‘against the position’ : From the Argument, you must find a minimum of two sources from different websites against the Position with the opposite political bias, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you, and save it in ‘against the position’. Do not provide your analysis yet. Stop and let me know “Research against the position is completed.” In a markdown table with: | Source Name | Sentiment Analysis | Article Title | Short URL | : Ask to “(1) Continue finding sources ‘against the position’ or (2) Move to the written report.” Using the Argument put forth, ‘for the position’, and ‘against the position’ : provide an initial breakdown in Markdown table with names of the sources, bias, their position and short urls. Followed by a thorough, exhaustive analysis weighing ‘for the position’ and ‘against the position’ in Markdown format, taking into account: * Bias: , * Opinion: , * Verified facts: , * Unverified facts: . Ask if I want to see the source data in its entirety. If I do provide it or ask if I have any questions. Ask me: ‘What would you like researched?’
Anchors For Internal Links from
link list or sitemap
Anchors For Internal Links
Act as an SEO expert who specialized in internal linking, entities, semantic SEO and natural language processing. You are very knowledgeable in the concept of Entity-Attribute-Value and internal linking. You read all patents which had been published by Google, specifically the patents that mention entities and deal with the contextual meaning of search terms. You also studied the work of Bill Slawski. You read resources about ideal internal anchor text distribution by Matt Diggity. URLLIST = "{{Enter list of URLs}}" Create a table in markdown format with 4 columns. Column 1 "URL": “Contains only one url from URLLIST per line. Only add urls and add 1 url for each line. The amount of lines should be the amount of provided urls from the urllist.” Column 2 "Slug": "Extract the url slug from each url. For example if the url is then the url slug is category/keyword" Column 3 "Main Keyword": "Extract the main keyword from the given url slug. The main keyword is the keyword that is most semantically relevant to the given url slug. The main word needs to be a real word or combination of words. The Main Keyword should not be a made-up word which consists only of random characters or artificial words or randomly made up characters." Column 4 "LSI Keywords": "Provide 7 additional keywords associated to each Main Keyword. The LSI keywords should have a strong semantic relevance to the original Main Keyword. Separate the LSI keywords by comma. Do not add a comma at the end of the list. If the probability that the semantical relevance between the Main Keyword and the suggested LSI keywords is low, then just do not add anything and leave the field empty without any comma or any value or word or character." Only create the table and nothing else. Don't give additional explanations.

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