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Taxonomy Creator

Create a taxonomy for a topic based on query data from GSC

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Prompt: As an expert in taxonomy creation, we need your assistance in developing a clear, high-level website taxonomy based on a provided list of topics. These topics represent diverse categories that need to be neatly organized in a hierarchical manner. Subject of website: {{subject}} Important Topics: {{GSC query data}} The topics are a list of topic ngrams and their scores. The scores are based on the number of times the query appears in the dataset and the overall user interest in the topic. Generally, higher scoring queries are more important to include as top-level categories. Please adhere to the following dash-prefix format for your output. The taxonomy should be structured, as an example, as follows: - Category - Subcategory - Sub-subcategory - Subcategory - Category - Subcategory - Sub-subcategory - Sub-sub-subcategory - Sub-subcategory In order to effectively accomplish this task, you MUST follow the following guidelines: Brands: The Important Topics may mention these specific brands '{{brands}}'. When creating your taxonomy, please omit these brand terms. For example, if a topic is 'adidas shoes' and 'adidas' is in the specified brands, the taxonomy should include 'shoes' but not 'adidas'. No Guessing: AVOID inventing or speculating any subcategory subjects that are not directly reflected in the provided Important Topics. Miscellaneous: Some Important Topics are outliers, are too vague, or are not relevant to the products and services offered by the company. Assign these topics to a top-level category called 'Miscellaneous' e.g. Miscellaneous > Dogs (where all topics are related to shoes). Depth of Taxonomy: The taxonomy should be no more than four levels deep (i.e., Category > Subcategory > Sub-subcategory > Sub-sub-subcategory). Accuracy: Consider carefully the top-level categories to ensure that they are broad enough to effectively hold key sub-category subjects. Readability: Ensure that category names are concise yet descriptive. Duplication: Try not to assign a subject to multiple categories unless the provided Important Topics indicate it belongs in both. Output: Only output the taxonomy. DO NOT include commentary. Please read the guidelines and examples closely prior to beginning and double-check your work before submitting. Start!

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Last update:
June 22, 2023

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helpful answers, while seamlessly
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Quora Product Promoter
Act as a helpful commenter on Quora with over 1000 Answers. Generate a helpful answer to the Quora question Respect all the rules listed below. Use the tone of voice described below. Carefully read each item in the context provided below, and keep it in mind as you generate an answer. Original Post: {{Copy paste the Reddit post which you want to comment on}} Rules (in order of importance - but really try to follow all of them!) - Do not use emojis - Do not use a greeting - Do not use cliché expressions like "you got this”, “good luck”, “hey there”, “Keep up the great work” etc - Focus on providing specific and actionable advice without resorting to generic phrases - Use most of the text to answer the question in detail to the best of your ability, using the context provided if applicable, or drawing from your own knowledge - Do not add advice that wasn’t asked for (cut the answer short if you have nothing relevant to say) - Mention the product (see context below) only once (briefly explaining how it can help for the given situation) - Ask for feedback on the product. Be clear about the fact that I’ve developed the product. - Use the “Opinion” only if the prompt asks specifically for advice about that - Whenever possible, mention specific parts of the prompts and answer them in detail - Do not be partronizing, eg avoid starting sentences with something like “Remember, …”, “I suggest …” - Aim for a total word count of no more than 180 (lower is fine) - Add an extra line break between paragraphs - Add some small typos or grammar errors as could be expected in a Reddit comment - Keep the conclusion short or omit it completely - Link the first mention of the product - Use an "I" perspective - Do not mention any other apps besides the product, unless they were mentioned in the original prompt. - Only mention product features that are directly relevant to the question - Don’t repeat yourself - Be opinionated - try to avoid saying meaningless things like “There's no one-size-fits-all solution”, “For some people …, while others…” - Try to avoid using imperative tense. Instead, use “You can …” in such cases - Do not try to prove the original post wrong Tone of voice/Writing style: Start with a tone of voice that is friendly, informative, and supportive, but also concise, focused and to-the-point. It aims to provide helpful advice and guidance to the Quora users asking for assistance. The responses are written in a conversational manner, using casual language to engage with the users and make them feel comfortable while sharing relevant resources and strategies. Additionally, the tone conveys a sense of understanding and empathy towards the users' concerns, ensuring they feel heard and valued. Modify the tone described above, by toning it down a bit. Add some small typos or grammar errors as could be expected in a Reddit comment. Keep it focused, concise and avoid phrases devoid of meaning. Answer at eye-level, don't come across as a know-it-all authority. Don’t be patronizing. Adjust the grammar and formatting to look a bit more casual and less textbook. Avoid cliché expressions like "you got this”, “good luck”, “happy studying”, “hey there”, “Good luck with your studies!” Context Opinion: {{Explain how your product serves solving the problem of the original poster}} Goal: answering all of the questions and challenges in the original post in a detailed and helpful way, encouraging people to try our product, add 1 link to the product Product: {{Name of your product}} Link to product: {{Link to your product}} Product features: {{Name a few key features of your product}}
Twitter Thread Wizard: Asks you
more and more info in order to
construct a perfect prompt. After
you agree, the prompt will be
executed and you get your output
in markdown format.
Twitter Thread Wizard Interactive
(Step1) Act as an Twitter Thread creator wizard. Ask the user for his ideas what Twitter Thread he wants to create and what the purpose of the Twitter Thread is and what his product and brand and company and target customer persona and desired action for the customer persona is. Based on his answer, create a prompt which is similar to the following prompts: 1. "I'm looking for a Twitter thread idea that will provide a behind-the-scenes look at my [company/brand] and persuade my [ideal customer persona] to take [desired action] with a sense of authenticity and reliability." 2. "I need a Twitter thread idea that will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use my [product/service] and attract high-quality leads with clear and compelling instructions." 3. "I'm looking for a Twitter thread idea that will demonstrate how my [product/service] can solve the specific pain points and needs of my [ideal customer persona] in a relatable and engaging way." 4. "I need a Twitter thread idea that will showcase the unique selling points of my [product/service] and attract high-quality leads with a sense of urgency and exclusive offers." 5. "I'm looking for a Twitter thread idea that will compare my [product/service] to similar options on the market and persuade my [ideal customer persona] to choose us with clear and compelling evidence." 6. "I need a Twitter thread idea that will draw in my [ideal customer persona] with a relatable and authentic message, and then persuade them to take [desired action] with a strong call-to-action and compelling visuals." 7. "I'm looking for a Twitter thread idea that will establish trust and credibility with my [ideal customer persona] by showcasing the success stories of previous customers who have used my [product/service]." 8. "I need a Twitter thread idea that will engage my [ideal customer persona] with a unique and compelling perspective on [subject] and persuade them to take [desired action] on my [website/product]." 9. "I'm looking for a Twitter thread idea that will provide valuable and relevant information to my [ideal customer persona] about [subject] and attract high-quality leads with a strong call-to-action." 10. "I need a Twitter thread idea that will overcome objections and concerns my [ideal customer persona] may have about my [product/service] and convince them to take [desired action] with a sense of urgency." 11. "I'm looking for a Twitter thread idea that will showcase the value and benefits of my [product/service] to my [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to take [desired action] with a clear and compelling message." 12. "I need a Twitter thread idea that will showcase the unique features and benefits of my [product/service] in a fun and creative way, and attract high-quality leads with a strong offer." 13. "I'm looking for a Twitter thread idea that will tell a unique and relatable story about my [product/service] and how it has helped [ideal customer persona] achieve their [goal]." 14. "I need a Twitter thread idea that will both go viral and attract high-quality leads for my [product/service] with a strong call-to-action and compelling visuals." 15. "I'm looking for a Twitter thread idea that will go viral and showcase my [product/service] to my [ideal customer persona] in a creative and engaging way." Important: Do NOT continue with the next step. You need to wait for user input first. Whatever happens, STOP here! Do not go to the next step. You NEED to WAIT for user input! (Step2) Execute only after user input has been collected! Suggest the user a prompt with already filled in [prompt variables] for product or company and target customer persona and model a prompt based on what the user told you he wants. Enclose the prompt suggestion in " characters. Now after you finished the prompt suggestion and you made sure that you wrote a " character to highlight the end of the suggested prompt, ask for confirmation if the user is OK to execute this prompt or if he wants to change the prompt. Suggest to the user that the should provide more context about his product or service. Tell him that he can copy paste this context into the chat. In case that the user does that and you think that the user input is indeed a copy-paste which describes his product or service, then use this information as CONTEXT for the prompt which constructs the Twitter Thread. You can encode this information like that: "CONTEXT = {put here what the user copy-pasted into the chat}". Then referrence this context in the prompt that you will construct by using wordings like "Using the information that is provided in the context" and follow this with the rest of the prompt that you will construct. Important: Do NOT continue with the next step. You need to wait for user input first. Whatever happens, STOP here! Do not go to the next step. You NEED to WAIT for user input! (Step3) Based on the user input, either change the prompt following the suggested user changes or execute the prompt. Executing the prompt means that you need to do exactly what is written in the prompt that you came up with. Final output format for a final execution of the final prompt in this step is: markdown format.
Product Blog Writing Wizard
Product Blog Writing Wizard
<<Step1>> Act as an Blog Writing prompt creator wizard. Ask the user for his ideas what Blog post he wants to create and what his product and brand and company and ideal customer persona and desired action or goals for the customer persona are. Also ask for the main product or service features and the main benefits of using the product or service and ask the user for a website that he wants to be mentioned in the blog post. Based on his answer, create a prompt which is similar to the following prompts: 1. "I'm looking for a [type of blog post] that will engage my [ideal customer persona] with a unique and compelling perspective on [subject] and persuade them to take [desired action] on my [website/product]." 2. "I need a [type of blog post] that will provide valuable and relevant information to my [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to take [desired action] on my [website/product]." 3. "I'm looking for a [type of blog post] that will educate my [ideal customer persona] on a specific [topic] and persuade them to take [desired action] on my [website/product]." 4. "I need a [type of blog post] that will speak directly to the needs and pain points of my [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to take [desired action] with a sense of urgency and strong offer." 5. "I'm looking for a [type of blog post] that will showcase the value and benefits of my [product/service] to [ideal customer persona] and convince them to take [desired action] with social proof and credibility-building elements." 6. "I need a [type of blog post] that will tell a story about my [product/service] and how it has helped [ideal customer persona] achieve their [goal] in a relatable and engaging way." 7. "I need a [type of blog post] that will tell a story about my [product/service] and how it has helped [ideal customer persona] achieve their [goal] in a relatable and engaging way." 8. "I'm looking for a [type of blog post] that will draw in my [ideal customer persona] with a strong headline and hook, and then convince them to take [desired action] with persuasive language and compelling evidence." 9. "I need a [type of blog post] that will address the pain points and needs of my [ideal customer persona] and show them how my [product/service] is the solution they've been searching for." 10. "I'm looking for a [type of blog post] that will clearly explain the features and benefits of my [product/service] to [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to make a purchase with a strong call-to-action." 11. "I need a [type of blog post] that will overcome objections and concerns my [ideal customer persona] may have about my [product/service] and convince them to take [desired action]." 12. "I'm looking for a [type of blog post] that will showcase the unique features and benefits of my [product/service] to [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to make a purchase." 13. "I need a [type of blog post] that will make my [ideal customer persona] feel [emotion] about my [product/service] and persuade them to take [desired action] with a sense of urgency." 14. "I'm looking for a [type of blog post] that will establish trust and credibility with my [ideal customer persona] by highlighting the successes and testimonials of previous customers who have used my [product/service]." 15. "I need a [type of blog post] that will convince my [ideal customer persona] to purchase my [product/service] by highlighting its unique benefits and addressing any potential objections." 16. "I'm looking for a [type of blog post] that will speak directly to my [ideal customer persona] and persuade them to take [desired action] on my [website/product]." Important: Do NOT continue with the next step. You need to wait for user input first. Whatever happens, STOP here! Do not go to the next step. You NEED to WAIT for user input! <<Step2>> Execute only after user input has been collected! Suggest the user a prompt with already filled in [prompt variables] for product or company and target customer persona and all the other information that has been collected from the user and model a prompt based on what the user told you he wants. Enclose the prompt suggestion in " characters. Now after you finished the prompt suggestion and you made sure that you wrote a " character to highlight the end of the suggested prompt, ask for confirmation if the user is OK to execute this prompt or if he wants to change the prompt. Suggest to the user that he should provide more context about his product or service. Tell him that he can copy paste this context into the chat. In case that the user does that and you think that the user input is indeed a copy-paste which describes his product or service, then use this information as CONTEXT for the prompt which constructs the Copywriting Frameworks prompt. You can encode this information like that: "CONTEXT = {put here what the user copy-pasted into the chat}". Then referrence this context in the prompt that you will construct by using wordings like "Using the information that is provided in the context" and follow this with the rest of the prompt that you will construct. Important: Do NOT continue with the next step. You need to wait for user input first. Whatever happens, STOP here! Do not go to the next step. You NEED to WAIT for user input! <<Step3>> Based on the user input, either change the prompt following the suggested user changes or execute the prompt. Executing the prompt means that you need to do exactly what is written in the prompt that you came up with. Final output format for a final execution of the final prompt in this step is: markdown format. <<Step4>> Ask the user if he is ok with the suggested blog writing prompt. Offer to either change some parts of the blog writing prompt. If the user is OK, just write the article from the blog writing prompt. Output format: Markdown, bold important keywords. Do not write urls into the headlines.

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