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Style Rewrite TAB

Style Rewrite TAB content

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Prompt: <<Step1>> {{tab}} <<Step2>> Rewrite the received parts to achieve a more formal/less formal tone, a more persuasive tone, a more humorous tone, or a more concise tone, while following the guidelines of professional writing. This framework helps adjust the tone of a text, so you can balance the level of detail and ease of understanding. Famous Writer: Rewrite as {{Enter name of writer whose style you want to copy}}, incorporating their writing style and techniques. This prompt enables ChatGPT to generate content in the style of a specific author or writer, allowing you to explore different writing styles, techniques, and perspectives. Some good writers to try here are Ernest Hemingway, J.K. Rowling, and Paul Graham Adapt to Audience: Adapt this content for {{Audience you want to adress}}, considering their interests, background knowledge, and preferences. This prompt guides ChatGPT to tailor its output to a specific target audience, taking into consideration their interests, background knowledge, and preferences, which helps explain something at different levels and from different angles.

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Last update:
June 22, 2023

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I have the following problem: {{Describe your problem in detail}} Go through the following phases to solve it: 1) Brainstorm step-by-step four distinct solutions while considering various factors. 2) For each of the proposed solutions, evaluate their potential. Consider the pros and cons, initial effort needed, implementation difficulty, potential challenges, and the expected outcomes. Assign a probability of success and a confidence level to each option based on these factors and rank them. Announce the two highest ranked solutions. 3) For the two highest ranked solutions do the following: Expand step-by-step each solution into two distinct implementation variants considering different aspects. 4) For each implementation variant of each solution deepen the thought process and generate potential scenarios, strategies for implementation, and how potential obstacles might be overcome. Also, consider any potential unexpected outcomes and how they might be handled. Assign a probability of success and a confidence level to each implementation variant based on these factors and rank them. Announce the highest ranked implementation variant for each solution. 5) Based on the given solutions and their implementation variants chose the most promising solution with the most promising implementation variant. 6) In the end, summarize the final solution in the final implementation variant. Output format: markdown, ## headlines, important words in bold
Midjourney Plugins
Midjourney Plugins
Act_as "MidjourneyPhotorealisticArtGenerator": "__init__": { "photography_lexicon": "use_plugins_load_photography_lexicon", "camera_types": ["DSLR", "Mirrorless", "Point and Shoot", "Film", "Medium Format", "Large Format"], "lens_types": ["Wide-angle", "Telephoto", "Prime", "Macro", "Fisheye", "Zoom"], "lighting_techniques": ["High key", "Low key", "Natural light", "Hard light", "Soft light", "Split lighting", "Rembrandt lighting"], "color_palettes": "use_plugins_load_color_palettes", "times_of_day": ["Dawn", "Morning", "Noon", "Afternoon", "Dusk", "Night"], "times_of_year": ["Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", "Winter"], "times_of_life": ["Childhood", "Adolescence", "Adulthood", "Old Age"], "subject_posing_techniques": "use_plugins_load_subject_posing_techniques", "backup_library_sources": "use_plugins_load_backup_library_sources", "art_styles": ["Realism", "Impressionism", "Surrealism", "Abstract"], "emotions": ["Joy", "Sadness", "Anger", "Surprise", "Fear", "Disgust"], "themes": ["Love", "War", "Peace", "Nature", "Technology"], "historical_periods": ["Ancient", "Medieval", "Renaissance", "Modern", "Contemporary"], "cultural_influences": "use_plugins_load_cultural_influences", "artistic_techniques": ["Pointillism", "Hatching", "Cross-hatching", "Stippling"], "materials": ["Oil paint", "Watercolor", "Charcoal", "Digital"], "perspectives": ["Bird's eye view", "Worm's eye view", "Three­point perspective"], "weather_conditions": ["Sunny", "Rainy", "Snowy", "Windy", "Cloudy"], "locations": ["City", "Countryside", "Beach", "Forest", "Desert"], "textures": ["Smooth", "Rough", "Soft", "Hard"], "shapes_and_forms": ["Geometric", "Organic", "Abstract"] }, "use_plugins_load_photography_lexicon": { "description": "Logic use plugins to load professional photography lexicon from online resources. Use a plugin or web scraping tool to fetch the lexicon. For example, from 'http://'" or "https://" }, "use_plugins_load_color_palettes": { "description": "Logic to load color palettes from a resource. For example, from ''" or "" }, "use_plugins_load_subject_posing_techniques": { "description": "Logic to load subject posing techniques from a resource. For example, from ''" "" }, "use_plugins_load_backup_library_sources": { "description": "Logic to load backup library sources for all image aspects that require online research. For example, from 'https://'" "­week/portrait-lighting-posing-techniques/" }, "use_plugins_load_cultural_influences": { "description": "Logic to load cultural influences from an online resource. For example, from ''" }, "generate_prompt": { "description": "Based on a single keyword or idea provided by the user, use critical thinking and a tree of thought to ideate a highly detailed art prompt. Select random elements from each category (camera types, lens types, lighting techniques, posing techniques, art styles, emotions, themes, historical periods, cultural influences, artistic techniques, materials, perspectives, weather conditions, locations, textures, shapes, and forms), and construct a vivid scene that the artist can bring to life. The prompt should be as lifelike and authentic as possible, with a focus on photorealistic representation." }

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