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Product Brochure

Create a brochure outlining the features and benefits of a product.

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Prompt: Create a brochure outlining the features and benefits of {{product}}. Include customer testimonials and a call to action. Product details: {{additional product details}}

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When running a Play- or Autobook you'll be asked for following information:
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Last update:
June 22, 2023

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Make our webscraper understand
you, even if you are a drunken
duck :D
Webscraper Bro Instructor
Whenever someone gives an instruction like "Extract the title from the top1 ranking content on google for my keyword" or "Give me the title of the content which ranks on the first position in google for my keyword" or "I need title from best ranking page in google for keyword" then translate this human written instruction into the following instruction which our webscraper is able to understand. Here are some examples that our webscraper can understand: Original instruction: "Extract the title from the top1 ranking content on Google for my keyword." Webscraper instruction: title1 = Extract the title between {{title}} from {{googlehtml1:keyword}} Original instruction: "Give me the h2s of the content which ranks on the first position in Google for my keyword." Webscraper instruction: title1 = Extract all h2s between {{h2}} from {{googlehtml1:keyword}} Original instruction: "I need the h1 from the second best ranking page in Google for a keyword." Webscraper instruction: title1 = Extract the h1 between {{h1}} from {{googlehtml2:keyword}} In these translations, "{{title}}" represents the HTML element (such as title that needs to be extracted. So for example if the original human written instruction is asking to extract a h1 headline, then in the translated instruction write "{{h1}}". If the original human written instruction is asking to extract a h2 headline, then in the translated instruction write "{{h2}}". If the original human written instruction is asking to extract an image or img, then in the translated instruction write "{{img}}". If the original human written instruction is asking to extract a p or p tag or paragraph, then in the translated instruction write "{{p}}". If the user in the human written instruction asks for the 1st or top1 result in Google, so your translated instruction must include {{googlehtml1:keyword}}. If the user in the human written instruction asks for the 2nd or top2 or second or No2 result in Google, so your translated instruction must include {{googlehtml2:keyword}}. Keep in mind that you have to identify the keyword from the human written instruction and replace the word keyword in the expression {{googlehtml1:keyword}} to the keyword that the user is referring to in his human written instruction. Now wait for further instructions. I will now give you 1 human written instruction and you will just answer with a Webscraper instruction. For now just answer with "I am listening Bro, what do you want me to do?"
Multi Step SEO article - todo:
add Steppers + fetch from google
SEO Superprompt [add Steppers]
Task: Write an SEO optimized article about the topic "{{Topic for your article}}" Link to the subject matter: {{Add outgoing link}} Never explicitely write "user feedback" and never come up or hallucinate your own "user feedback". User feedback comes from me, never from you. Whenever you write the actual article remember to break long paragraphs into individual sections, so that each section does not exceed 5 sentences. Use markdown formatting to bold any words within the article which are closely semantically related to the topic that you are writing about. Author persona: You are closely acquainted with the topic. Avoid literally saying 'as an individual closely acquainted with...' etc, but come up with a creative way to convey this. Article formatting: Markdown Instructions for each section of the outline: Write first-hand experience from an individual closely acquainted with the topic, in the first person. The topic could range from a place, a product, a service, or an event. Add a section header. No need to write a conclusion or summary at the end of the section. Example: if the section is about Joe's Steaks Restaurant, a header could be "Dine at Joe's Steaks Restaurant". Include a link to the subject matter in a natural way at some place in the paragraph. Do not add any other links. Introduction instruction: Write an introduction for this piece. Convey it as a first-hand experience in first person. The text should only serve as the introductory part of the article. Refrain from starting any detailed discussion related to the article's content and avoid mentioning any specific subjects or items yet. Conclusion instruction: Write a conclusion for this piece. Draw from a first-hand experience in first person. The text should only serve as the concluding segment of a piece, be it an article, product review, event recap, or other content. Avoid explicitly stating your relationship to the subject (such as 'as a product user' etc). Focus solely on crafting the concluding segment, refraining from including any Call to Actions (CTAs), suggestions for "Similar articles" or other common add-ons found below a piece. Let's think step by step: I want you to evaluate your output together with me, so that I can give you more details or information to improve your ouput. In order to improve the output, follow these steps. So after you have executed my initial command, execute each prompt stey by step: Start with Prompt1. After you finished executing Prompt1, always stop and ask for feedback from the user. If Prompt1 is finished, continue with Prompt2. After you finished executing Prompt2, always stop and ask for feedback from the user. If Prompt2 is finished, continue with Prompt3. After you finished executing Prompt3, always stop and ask for feedback from the user. If Prompt3 is finished, continue with Prompt4. After you finished executing Prompt4, always stop and ask for feedback from the user. If Prompt4 is finished, continue with Prompt5. After you finished executing Prompt5, always stop and ask for feedback from the user. If Prompt5 is finished, continue with Prompt6. ## Prompt1: "Additional info needed" Evaluate if you got enough info about the topic in order to write an outstanding and SEO optimized article. If you do not have enough information, then stop and do not execute the next prompt and ask the user for all the missing information that is necessary to write a perfect article. ## Prompt2: "Suggest Outline" Suggest an outline for the article that you will write, based on the information that you have gathered from the user. Do not write the article yet. Just stop and do not execute the next prompt and ask the user for feedback regarding the suggested outline and wait for feedback from the user. ## Prompt3: "Write the article" Start with the introduction, but do not call the headline for the introduction "Introduction". Use a headline instead which makes the reader curious to continue reading. Then fill each section of the outline with content which specifically refers to the outline section that you are dealing with. Break long paragraphs into individual sections, so that each section does not exceed 5 sentences. Use markdown formatting to bold any words that are closely semantically related to the topic that you are writing about. There should be some bolded words in each section of the article. Format the headlines for the outline sections in markdown with ##. End the article with a conclusion that sums up the whole article. ## Prompt4: "Rate output" Rate on a scale from 0-5 how well you satisfied each point in the initial prompt. Be very critical, no need to justify yourself. If 3 or lower, suggest a rewrite or the criticized part to address the flaws that you have found. ## Prompt5: "Find wrong info" Identify any unclear or ambiguous information in the article, and rephrase unclear passages or sentences for clarity. ## Prompt6: "Self criticize" Try to argue against the finished article to see if you can find any flaws. If so, address them. Walk me through the process.

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