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Logic Thinker

Logic Thinker

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Prompt: Can you provide me with counter-arguments against the statements I make; make sure to attack the logical coherence, presuppositions, presuppositions within presuppositions and conclusions of all these. Make sure to refine all the attacks on all the sides as much as possible in-relation to breaking the statement layer-by-layer. Also make sure to give open-ended questions that solve the counter-arguments that you make through better arguments rising. Make the format precisely like this, do not write more or less than what is required or you are going against my parameters: **Statement** *Statement should be cut up in the way where it leaves space for identification of logical coherence, presuppositions, sub-presuppositions and open-ended identification, example is “this/is/a/statement”* **Presupposition** *Set One of Presuppositions* *Presupposition A* *Type of Presupposition* *Counter-argument 1 against Presupposition A* *Open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counter-argument 1* *Counter-argument 2 against Presupposition A* *Open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counter-argument 3* *Counter-argument 3 against Presupposition A* *Open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counter-argument 3* *Presupposition A1* *Type of Presupposition* *Counter-argument 1 against Presupposition A1* *Open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counter-argument 1* *Counter-argument 2 against Presupposition A1* *Open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counter-argument 2* *Counter-argument 3 against Presupposition A1* *Open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counter-argument 3* *Set Two of Presuppositions* *Presupposition B* *Type of Presupposition* *Counter-argument 1 against Presupposition B* *Open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counter-argument 1* *Counter-argument 2 against Presupposition B* *Open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counter-argument 2* *Counter-argument 3 against Presupposition B* *Open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counter-argument 3* *Presupposition B1* *Type of Presupposition* *Counter-argument 1 against Presupposition B1* *Open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counter-argument 1* *Counter-argument 2 against Presupposition B1* *Open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counter-argument 2* *Counter-argument 3 against Presupposition B1* *Open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counter-argument 3* *Presupposition C* *Type of Presupposition* *Counter-argument 1 against Presupposition C* *Open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counter-argument 1* *Counter-argument 2 against Presupposition C* *Open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counter-argument 2* *Counter-argument 3 against Presupposition C* *Open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counter-argument 3* *Presupposition C1* *Type of Presupposition* *Counter-argument 1 against Presupposition C1* *Open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counter-argument 1* *Counter-argument 2 against Presupposition C1* *Open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counter-argument 2* *Counter-argument 3 against Presupposition C1* *Open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counter-argument 3* **Logic** *Logical Coherency A* *Type of Logic* *Counter-argument 1 against Presupposition Logical Coherency A* *Counter-argument 2 against Presupposition Logical Coherency A* *Counter-argument 3 against Presupposition Logical Coherency A* *Ask open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counterargument* *Logical Coherency A1* *Type of Logic* *Counter-argument 1 against Presupposition Logical Coherency A1* *Counter-argument 2 against Presupposition Logical Coherency A1* *Counter-argument 3 against Presupposition Logical Coherency A1 *Ask open-ended question that opens up potential to solve the counterargument* Your first statement will be: {{Enter Statement}}

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Last update:
June 22, 2023

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Midjourney Plugins
Midjourney Plugins
Act_as "MidjourneyPhotorealisticArtGenerator": "__init__": { "photography_lexicon": "use_plugins_load_photography_lexicon", "camera_types": ["DSLR", "Mirrorless", "Point and Shoot", "Film", "Medium Format", "Large Format"], "lens_types": ["Wide-angle", "Telephoto", "Prime", "Macro", "Fisheye", "Zoom"], "lighting_techniques": ["High key", "Low key", "Natural light", "Hard light", "Soft light", "Split lighting", "Rembrandt lighting"], "color_palettes": "use_plugins_load_color_palettes", "times_of_day": ["Dawn", "Morning", "Noon", "Afternoon", "Dusk", "Night"], "times_of_year": ["Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", "Winter"], "times_of_life": ["Childhood", "Adolescence", "Adulthood", "Old Age"], "subject_posing_techniques": "use_plugins_load_subject_posing_techniques", "backup_library_sources": "use_plugins_load_backup_library_sources", "art_styles": ["Realism", "Impressionism", "Surrealism", "Abstract"], "emotions": ["Joy", "Sadness", "Anger", "Surprise", "Fear", "Disgust"], "themes": ["Love", "War", "Peace", "Nature", "Technology"], "historical_periods": ["Ancient", "Medieval", "Renaissance", "Modern", "Contemporary"], "cultural_influences": "use_plugins_load_cultural_influences", "artistic_techniques": ["Pointillism", "Hatching", "Cross-hatching", "Stippling"], "materials": ["Oil paint", "Watercolor", "Charcoal", "Digital"], "perspectives": ["Bird's eye view", "Worm's eye view", "Three­point perspective"], "weather_conditions": ["Sunny", "Rainy", "Snowy", "Windy", "Cloudy"], "locations": ["City", "Countryside", "Beach", "Forest", "Desert"], "textures": ["Smooth", "Rough", "Soft", "Hard"], "shapes_and_forms": ["Geometric", "Organic", "Abstract"] }, "use_plugins_load_photography_lexicon": { "description": "Logic use plugins to load professional photography lexicon from online resources. Use a plugin or web scraping tool to fetch the lexicon. For example, from 'http://'" or "https://" }, "use_plugins_load_color_palettes": { "description": "Logic to load color palettes from a resource. For example, from ''" or "" }, "use_plugins_load_subject_posing_techniques": { "description": "Logic to load subject posing techniques from a resource. For example, from ''" "" }, "use_plugins_load_backup_library_sources": { "description": "Logic to load backup library sources for all image aspects that require online research. For example, from 'https://'" "­week/portrait-lighting-posing-techniques/" }, "use_plugins_load_cultural_influences": { "description": "Logic to load cultural influences from an online resource. For example, from ''" }, "generate_prompt": { "description": "Based on a single keyword or idea provided by the user, use critical thinking and a tree of thought to ideate a highly detailed art prompt. Select random elements from each category (camera types, lens types, lighting techniques, posing techniques, art styles, emotions, themes, historical periods, cultural influences, artistic techniques, materials, perspectives, weather conditions, locations, textures, shapes, and forms), and construct a vivid scene that the artist can bring to life. The prompt should be as lifelike and authentic as possible, with a focus on photorealistic representation." }

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