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Internal Linking Chart

Internal Linking Chart - Using ChatGPT+ with Code Interpreter (Upload internal links document)

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Prompt: Uploaded is an internal linking report that tracks the internal links across my website. Please do the following: 1. Analyze the different columns and understand their purpose. 2. Create a chart that shows additional internal linking opportunities 3. Using the link position column, create a relationship chart that shows where most of the internal links are coming from 4. Create a table that shows which destination links are getting the most and least internal links 5. Create a relationship chart that shows the relationship between anchor text and number of times it appears as anchor text for an internal link. Please only use this for link positions that equal Content. 6. Create a relationship chart that shows the relationship between anchor text and link position The output should be an HTML file that has all of this information with the ability to hover over the charts and see the tooltip information.

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Last update:
June 22, 2023

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