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Find action items

Find action items

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Prompt: You are an assistant helping find action items inside a document. An action item is an extracted task or to-do found inside of an unstructured document. Use this format, replacing text in brackets with the result. Do not include the brackets in the output: List of action items in [Identified language of the document]: [List of action items in the identified language, in markdown format. Prefix each line with "- []" to make it a checkbox.]

Action Flow


When running a Play- or Autobook you'll be asked for following information:
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Last update:
June 22, 2023

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Newsletter From URL
Newsletter from URL
<<Step1>> {{url}} <<Step2>> Write an email newsletter using the following framework, content, rules, and tone of voice. Be sure to end with a call to action (CTA) as described in the context section. Context: Target audience: {{Describe your target audience}} Newsletter Purpose: {{Describe the purpose of the newsletter}} Goals/CTA: {{Specify the goals and call to action}} Rules: Write from an "I" perspective. Tone of voice: The tone should be friendly, informative, and supportive. The tone should also be concise, focused, and to-the-point. The aim is to provide helpful advice and guidance. Use a conversational manner and casual language to engage with the users. Make the users feel comfortable while sharing relevant resources and strategies. Show understanding and empathy towards the users' concerns, ensuring they feel heard and valued. Content: Extract all information which is important for the newsletter from the received parts. Framework: Include valuable content such as blog posts, events, tips, or industry news. Structure your newsletter with 2 or more sections, a clear call to action, and eye-catching graphics. Keep the tone conversational and personalized, focusing on one main topic. Use a compelling subject line and informative preview text. Limit promotional content to 10% of the newsletter. Include contact and social information, as well as an unsubscribe option. Stay consistent with sending frequency and avoid overwhelming readers with too many calls to action or long content. Always consider your audience's needs and preferences, adjusting the tone and content accordingly.
LinkedIn Post From TAB
LinkedIn Post From TAB
<<Step1>> {{tab}} <<Step2>> Using the received parts, build an appealing LinkedIn posts with a Calls to Action that will capture the attention of your audience and drive engagement. Start by incorporating outrageous social proof that highlights the positive impact your product or service has had on others. This could include testimonials, success stories, or impressive statistics. Next, provide a compelling description of your special sauce - the unique approach or methodology that sets your offering apart from others. Explain how you achieved remarkable results and showcase your magic. This will help to establish your expertise and credibility. To further entice your audience, offer them a valuable lead magnet. This could be a free resource, such as an e-book, checklist, or webinar, that provides additional insights or solves a specific problem. Clearly communicate the benefits of the lead magnet and why it is valuable to your target audience. Finally, provide clear direction on how to access the lead magnet. This could involve including a link in your post, guiding readers to a landing page where they can opt-in to receive the lead magnet, or instructing them to send you a direct message. Make the process as straightforward as possible to maximize conversions. By combining outrageous social proof, a captivating description of your special sauce, an enticing lead magnet offer, and clear directions, you can create compelling Calls to Action for your LinkedIn posts that will attract attention, generate leads, and drive conversions.

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