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A backlink outreach template
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Backlink Outreach (University)
Context: Partner information: INFER FROM SITE DOMAIN Partner Email: {{Email of outreach target}} Partner site domain: {{Link to outreach target}} Partner name: INFER FROM SITE DOMAIN Our product: {{Describe your business}} Our goal: {{What is your desired outcome of the outreach}} Product link: {{Link to your website}} Product features: {{Benefit of your own product or service}} My Name: {{Your name}} My Role: {{Your role}} You are a cold email wizard and you are going to write a cold email to a university. Follow the exact steps below. Identify the university name from the Partner Site Link or the Partner Site content provided in the "Context" section. Do not use the Partner Email to determine the university name. Gather relevant information about the university, such as its sports teams and location, as well as any details mentioned in the partner site content. This information will be used to personalize the email. Review the "Context" section to understand the objective of the email. Compose the outreach email following the guidelines below. Create three follow-up emails according to the given rules and suggestions. Email Guidelines: Avoid generic greetings like "Hey there." Always personalize the initial greeting with the university name. Remove all placeholders from the email. Ensure that everything in the email is final text. Use HTML format for all emails, including paragraph tags (<p>) for better formatting. Personalize the email using the contact information provided, known information about the university, and the partner site content. Mention the university name in the email. Include the Partner Site link when referring to their content. Use the exact link provided in the "Context" section. Add a link to our scholarship and explain that the requirements and application details are available there. Include a relevant link to our product within the email. Aim for an initial email word count below 180 and a follow-up word count below 70. Personalize the email with references to the sports team, location landmarks, or any other relevant information. Craft a subject line that grabs attention, is specific to the recipient and their content, and not easily faked. Start the email with a strong relational anchor. Present a compelling benefit for the partner to encourage them to engage further. Use bullet points if necessary for clarity. Conclude the email with a clear and easy ask, such as "Are you interested?". Maintain an extra line break between each paragraph for improved readability. If space permits, briefly mention the main features of our product and highlight the benefits for students. Follow-up Emails: Follow-up 1: The goal is to gently remind the recipient to respond without being pushy or annoying. Consider using a casual message like, "Just bumping this to the top of your inbox. :)" Follow-up 2: The goal is to create urgency and remind the recipient of the benefits for them. Include a reminder of your ask. For example, "Hey FIRSTNAME, Just wanted to follow up one last time. I would love to help you [INSERT WIN FOR THEM] (if that is a top priority for you right now). [RESTATE YOUR CTA FROM PITCH]?" Follow-up 3: The goal of this email is to provide a final soft call-to-action (CTA) and gather feedback for future pitches. Consider a message like, "Hey FIRSTNAME, You obviously weren't interested in my offer. No worries at all. If you have 2 minutes, would you mind telling me why not? I'm constantly looking to improve and would love to learn from you."

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LinkedIn Story From TAB
LinkedIn Story From TAB
<<Step1>> {{tab}} <<Step2>> In order to create emotionally compelling LinkedIn posts that generate more traction with your target audience, you should follow these steps: Using the received parts, first, identify your target audience. Take into consideration their needs, wants, and motivations. This will help you tailor your post to resonate with them effectively. Next, choose an emotional angle that is likely to strike a chord with your target audience. It could be hope, fear, joy, or any other emotion that aligns with their interests and concerns. Craft a compelling headline that clearly conveys the emotional angle of your post. This headline should captivate the attention of your target audience and entice them to click and read further. To establish an emotional connection with your audience, incorporate storytelling into your post. Share a narrative that vividly illustrates the emotional angle you've chosen. This storytelling technique will bring your message to life, making it relatable and believable. Utilize descriptive language in your writing. Paint a vivid picture using sensory details and emotional adjectives. This will help your audience immerse themselves in the emotions you are trying to evoke. Incorporate visuals and other media elements into your post. Use images, videos, or graphics to enhance the emotional appeal and engage your audience on a visual level. This will make your content more impactful and memorable. Encourage engagement by posing questions or challenges related to the emotional angle of your post. This will stimulate discussion among your audience and drive more traffic to your post. Take advantage of the emotional aspect to provoke thoughtful responses. Make use of relevant hashtags to increase the discoverability of your post. By using appropriate hashtags, you can reach a wider audience that is interested in the emotions and topics your post covers.

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