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LinkedIn Recruiting

Writes a pitch for LinkedIn Recruiting

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Prompt: You are a recruiter trying to attract top talent. You came across this LinkedIn profile "{{url:}}". You have to pitch your job offer and you can't write more than 500 characters. Your message should include: The name of the company they're currently working for which is {{name of your company}}. Praise for their areas of expertise Why they would be a good fit as a "{{job you have to offer}}" The message should be exciting and make them want to learn more about the job opportunity.

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Last update:
June 22, 2023

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<<Step1>> {{tab}} <<Step2>> Using the received parts, build an appealing LinkedIn posts with a Calls to Action that will capture the attention of your audience and drive engagement. Start by incorporating outrageous social proof that highlights the positive impact your product or service has had on others. This could include testimonials, success stories, or impressive statistics. Next, provide a compelling description of your special sauce - the unique approach or methodology that sets your offering apart from others. Explain how you achieved remarkable results and showcase your magic. This will help to establish your expertise and credibility. To further entice your audience, offer them a valuable lead magnet. This could be a free resource, such as an e-book, checklist, or webinar, that provides additional insights or solves a specific problem. Clearly communicate the benefits of the lead magnet and why it is valuable to your target audience. Finally, provide clear direction on how to access the lead magnet. This could involve including a link in your post, guiding readers to a landing page where they can opt-in to receive the lead magnet, or instructing them to send you a direct message. Make the process as straightforward as possible to maximize conversions. By combining outrageous social proof, a captivating description of your special sauce, an enticing lead magnet offer, and clear directions, you can create compelling Calls to Action for your LinkedIn posts that will attract attention, generate leads, and drive conversions.
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<<Step1>> {{tab}} <<Step2>> In order to create emotionally compelling LinkedIn posts that generate more traction with your target audience, you should follow these steps: Using the received parts, first, identify your target audience. Take into consideration their needs, wants, and motivations. This will help you tailor your post to resonate with them effectively. Next, choose an emotional angle that is likely to strike a chord with your target audience. It could be hope, fear, joy, or any other emotion that aligns with their interests and concerns. Craft a compelling headline that clearly conveys the emotional angle of your post. This headline should captivate the attention of your target audience and entice them to click and read further. To establish an emotional connection with your audience, incorporate storytelling into your post. Share a narrative that vividly illustrates the emotional angle you've chosen. This storytelling technique will bring your message to life, making it relatable and believable. Utilize descriptive language in your writing. Paint a vivid picture using sensory details and emotional adjectives. This will help your audience immerse themselves in the emotions you are trying to evoke. Incorporate visuals and other media elements into your post. Use images, videos, or graphics to enhance the emotional appeal and engage your audience on a visual level. This will make your content more impactful and memorable. Encourage engagement by posing questions or challenges related to the emotional angle of your post. This will stimulate discussion among your audience and drive more traffic to your post. Take advantage of the emotional aspect to provoke thoughtful responses. Make use of relevant hashtags to increase the discoverability of your post. By using appropriate hashtags, you can reach a wider audience that is interested in the emotions and topics your post covers.

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Article Writer Copywriter with
SEO in mind.
Article Writer SEO Lite
Act as an authoritative online writer with expertise in the topic mentioned in the "Context" section. Follow the steps outlined below and execute them one at a time. Respect the following: All elements mentioned in the "Context" section. The specified tone of voice and writing style described in the "Tone of Voice/Writing Style" section. Every rule listed in the "Rules" section. The provided "Outline Skeleton," including the format and notes. Context: Topic: {{Specify the topic}} SEO keywords: {{List of comma separated SEO keywords}} Audience: {{Describe the target audience}} Goal: {{Specify the goal}} Outline Skeleton: Title Introduction Common myths/known challenges Personal story Conclusion Tone of Voice/Writing Style: Balanced and moderate: Maintain a balance between the informal, conversational style and the formal, explanatory tone. Informative and objective: Provide information and insights without personal biases or opinions. Clear and concise: Use precise language and concise phrasing for clarity. Engaging and interesting: Capture and maintain the reader's attention with natural and sophisticated vocabulary. Forward-looking: Focus on future implications and encourage application of the information in the reader's learning journey. Rules: Ensure logical flow between sections and avoid unnecessary repetition. Incorporate SEO keywords appropriately, avoiding keyword stuffing. Limit each paragraph to a maximum of 70 words. Split longer paragraphs logically into two separate paragraphs. Include an extra line break between paragraphs. Steps: Generate an outline based on the provided skeleton. Create a title and a headline for each section using the "Fascinations" copywriting framework. Use the notes in the skeleton to create a bullet list of the main talking points for each section. Write the introduction using the "Hook, Line, and Sinker" framework. Incorporate any existing notes in the skeleton. Describe the opportunity, making the reader excited about the potential outcomes and their life after reading. Provide a hint at your personal success outcome from the "Personal Story" section. Write the "Common myths/known challenges" section. Utilize any existing notes in the skeleton. List common myths or challenges related to the topic being discussed. For each myth or challenge: Refute one of the opposing claims. Provide supporting evidence and, ideally, a relevant statistic with a source. The goals of this section are twofold: Build credibility by debunking myths. Open the readers to be taught, gain buy-in, and eliminate limiting beliefs. Write the "Personal Story" section. Share a personal experience or anecdote that demonstrates your understanding of the topic and positions you as an expert. Incorporate any existing notes in the skeleton. Reference a case study or well-known story as appropriate. Write the "Framework" section. Present the content as a simple framework, breaking it down into 3-7 steps and giving it a memorable name. For each step, explain its importance, describe how to implement it, and provide an example. Begin each example with "Example: " and ensure it consists of at least two detailed sentences per step. Write the "Obstacles/challenges in implementation" section. Describe common challenges to implementing the framework and present solutions for each challenge, referring back to previously identified solutions. Agitate each problem to highlight the difficulties. Hint at the fact that using Traverse may ease overcoming these challenges. Write the "Conclusion." Summarize the main points discussed in the article and reiterate the desired action for readers to take. Include an introductory sentence and end with a final sentence encouraging action. Include a call to action (CTA). Evaluate each item in the context and rules sections, rating how well you have respected them on a scale of 1-5. Be critical without needing to justify yourself. If SEO keywords were provided, assess which ones you used. For any unused keywords, suggest passages where their inclusion would make sense and present the rewritten passages.

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