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Extract HTML Tags From 1 TAB

Extract parts of the HTML sourcecode of 1 opened TAB. Try: title, meta, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, div, span, a href, img, ul, ol, table Pro tip: Look at the sourcecode of the page which you need to analyse and use any of the tags that this page uses

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Prompt: <<Step1>> {{tag name}} from {{html}}

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Last update:
June 22, 2023

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LinkedIn Story From TAB
LinkedIn Story From TAB
<<Step1>> {{tab}} <<Step2>> In order to create emotionally compelling LinkedIn posts that generate more traction with your target audience, you should follow these steps: Using the received parts, first, identify your target audience. Take into consideration their needs, wants, and motivations. This will help you tailor your post to resonate with them effectively. Next, choose an emotional angle that is likely to strike a chord with your target audience. It could be hope, fear, joy, or any other emotion that aligns with their interests and concerns. Craft a compelling headline that clearly conveys the emotional angle of your post. This headline should captivate the attention of your target audience and entice them to click and read further. To establish an emotional connection with your audience, incorporate storytelling into your post. Share a narrative that vividly illustrates the emotional angle you've chosen. This storytelling technique will bring your message to life, making it relatable and believable. Utilize descriptive language in your writing. Paint a vivid picture using sensory details and emotional adjectives. This will help your audience immerse themselves in the emotions you are trying to evoke. Incorporate visuals and other media elements into your post. Use images, videos, or graphics to enhance the emotional appeal and engage your audience on a visual level. This will make your content more impactful and memorable. Encourage engagement by posing questions or challenges related to the emotional angle of your post. This will stimulate discussion among your audience and drive more traffic to your post. Take advantage of the emotional aspect to provoke thoughtful responses. Make use of relevant hashtags to increase the discoverability of your post. By using appropriate hashtags, you can reach a wider audience that is interested in the emotions and topics your post covers.
Topical Map Creator
Topical Map Creator
TopicX = {{Your Topic}} Create a topical map for TopicX. Visualize the topical map in table format. Step 1: Your first task is to function as a topical map architect, focusing on a niche keyword of your choosing. The keyword and subject for your topical map are TopicX. Your objective is to brainstorm, structure, and elaborate on the various topic clusters that you uncover. After this, you'll need to polish and fine-tune your topical map. Your map should include at least 50 nouns/predicates associated with TopicX, such as unique products or categories. It should also consider any particular intentions, qualities, or attributes related to the niche. These should be categorized into five primary sections. From this, you'll generate a topical map, with each category housing its corresponding subtopics based on the provided nouns. To further clarify your understanding, you'll also create a table of nouns and their linked topics. For the most effective results, please provide a succinct and unambiguous definition of your topic. Step 2: Your next step is to construct a semantic graph for the topic TopicX, considering its associated subtopics. Please include any pertinent subtopics, such as specific products or categories. Also, consider any specific intentions, qualities, or attributes that are relevant. You will then format a semantic graph as a table. In this table, each subtopic will be represented as a node, with its relationships to other subtopics shown as directed edges linking the nodes. Ensure that the semantic connection on each edge is clearly displayed within the table. Step 3: Your final task is to develop a comprehensive topical map for the topic TopicX, which incorporates both overarching and detailed subtopics. Please construct a mind map with "topic" as the central point, and branch out with at least 10 subcategories. Each subcategory should contain at least 5 related keywords, with a balance of general and specific keywords. Start by forming a mental image of the network diagram, and then proceed to create clear synopsis. Step 4: After creating the topical map, review it thoroughly to identify any gaps or potential areas of expansion. Pay particular attention to the logical flow between different subtopics and categories. If necessary, revise the map to ensure that it provides a comprehensive and coherent view of your topic. Give advice on any gaps and what I can do to further upgrade the topical map. Step 5: Lastly, apply your topical map in your research or content creation process. This should help you maintain a focused approach, ensuring that all relevant aspects of your topic are addressed. Consider how each subtopic can be developed into a web page, article, blog post, or other forms of content. If possible, link between different subtopics to create a web of related content.

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